Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane

Presentation of the journal
and history of the group of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane
["Psychotherapy and the Human Sciences"]

Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane continues the initiatives started in 1960 by the Milan Group for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, led by Pier Francesco Galli, M.D. (1931-2024). This group begun to meet informally in 1960 around the book series "Library of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology" (founded by Pier Francesco Galli, M.D., in collaboration with Gaetano Benedetti, M.D., 87 volumes), published by Feltrinelli of Milan, and the book series  "Program of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Psychotherapy" (founded by Pier Francesco Galli, M.D., in 1964, with about 300 books), published by Boringhieri of Turin. later other book series have been pubished, such as the book series of Bollati Boringhieri "The Psychoanalytic Observation" in 1992 (24 books), and "Traces from Psychoanalysis" published by Einaudi of Turin. The explicit philosophy of the group was based on the following:

  1. a connection, in real time, with international psychiatry, psychotherapy, and psychoanalysis, in order to fill the gap existing in Italy at that time
  2. dissemination of small continuing education groups that could multiply by themselves, with a centrifugal impetus, decreasing the institutional dependency and fostering the responsibility of individual training processes (at least three of the most influential psychotherapy schools in Milan are an outgrowth of the Milan Group for the Advancement of Psychotherapy)
  3. in the original group and in the following organizations there was a continuous theoretical and clinical confrontation among colleagues belonging to different approaches: the first group was made of Freudians, Dasein-analysts (phenomenologists), interpersonalists, Jungians, and Kleinians
  4. simultaneously with these private training activities, several initiatives of psychiatric and psychotherapeutic training in the public sector (psychiatric hospitals and Community Mental Health Centers) were activated; for example, in 1961 the Milan Group for the Advancement of Psychotherapy introduced in Italy the Balint groups method and the psychiatric and psychoanalytic culture of Silvano Arieti, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann, Clara Thompson, and Harry Stack Sullivan
  5. a "lay" view of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, i.e., not conceived as a subspecialty of psychiatry or clinical psychology but as a critique to culture, science, and preexisting equilibriums, as irreducible to other disciplines, and - differently from religions and ideologies - as void of assertiveness and consolatory aspects
  6. the exercise of critique as a method of knowledge and research
  7. a project of continuing education rather than formal training programs
  8. the exploration of the space between "psychoanalism" and the "psychotherapies"
  9. the epistemology of deconstruction
  10. the link between psychoanalytic culture and the human sciences and the humanities

In December 1962 the first training course, titled "Problems of Psychotherapy", was organized at the Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica ("Science and Technology Museum") of Milan (see the Proceedings in PDF). Between 1963 and 1965 six more training courses were organized, always in the same setting, with the participation of the best experts that psychiatry, psychotherapy and psychoanalysis of the time, both in Italy and abroad, could offer (see for example the Proceedings of the One-Day Course of October 10, 1965, with papers by Pier Francesco Galli, Gaetano Benedetti, Christian Mueller, Johannes Cremerius, and Michael Balint; P.F. Galli's paper was followed by interventions of Mario Moreno, Franco Basaglia, Antonino Jaria, Franco Giberti, Giuseppe Maffei, Dario De Martis, Piero Leonardi, Edoardo Balduzzi, Giorgio Zanocco, Antonino Lo Cascio, Cesare Musatti, and Cornelio Fazio). In 1966 and 1967 two more courses were organized. (See the brochures and Proceedings of the Second [May 1963], Third [November 1963], Fourth [May 1964], Sixth [May 1965], and Eighth Course [November 1966], of four days each, and also of two All-Day Workshops [October 1965 and December 1966])

The original group used to meet regularly every month with Gaetano Benedetti of Basel since 1963, with Johannes Cremerius of Friburg im Br. since 1966, and with Marcelle Spira of Geneva from 1965 to 1967; an integrative approach, then, characterized the group of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane since the beginning (see also the 1984 interview to Pier Francesco Galli titled "Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic institution in Italy").

In 1963 in Milan, first in Via Lanzone 7, and later in the "historical" headquarters of Piazza S. Ambrogio 1, a weekly continuous seminar started, which was very much attended and out of which many groups and ideas that will characterize the history of psychotherapy in Italy originated (for example, the first 13 issues of the journal Fogli di Informazione, that has been for many years at the center of the network of experimentations of alternative psychiatric practices of the Italian "anti-psychiatry" movement and of the group of Psichiatria Democratica, were printed in this office). In 1966 and 1967 the training courses became residential, respectively in Arenzano (Genoa) and Vietri sul Mare (Salerno).

In 1967 the group of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, under the presidency of Pier Francesco Galli, on behalf of the International Federation of Psychotherapy (IFP) was in charge of the organization of the VIII International Congress of Psychotherapy, which was held in Milan on August 25-29, 1970. The Proceedings were published in January 1973 in Volume no. 30 (titled the same name of the group, Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane) of the book series "Library of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology" of Feltrinelli publisher of Milan, directed by Gaetano Benedetti, M.D., and Pier Francesco Galli, M.D. (see the Proceedings full text in PDF).

In 1971 the weekly Milan seminar was terminated and substituted by small seminars, of about 15 participants each, in Milan, Genoa, and Bologna. Four times a year there was a plenary meeting in every one of these cities plus a meeting in Zurich together with the "Zurich Psychoanalytic Seminar" (Psychoanalytisches Seminar Zürich [PSZ]).

Il project of the journal, which remains the same today, was presented in the following editorial of issue no. 1/1967:

«The interdisciplinary approach, in the recent history of the human sciences, is a moment of reflection beyond immediate functional schemas. The present historical period follows a phase of technicality in which empirical research and methodological sophistication offered an alibis to escape fundamental problems. The credo in objectivity, residue of the positive world, is represented by technicians to whom interdisciplinary approach, far from being an anthropological convergence, is a sterile confrontation among methods. The search for a common language becomes a futile exercise in which semantic barriers mark the limits of false epistemological conscience. The ideology of the method grants a sort of pseudo-knowledge, while gradually abandoning the premises of an anthropology. Technicians of psychological cure, arithmeticians of social knowledge, synthesis of operational outcomes whose price is the reduction to an heuristic dimension of thought. Collectors of data gather in the research movement, and at times technique, accused of being responsible of splitting the human being, leaves room to an undifferentiated need of synthesis where irrationality emerges as ideology of a praxis in which experience is merely stereotyped repetition. We see a rejection to draw consequences out of knowledge data, a world of technicians of the interdisciplinary approach as an institutional meeting place, a refusal to think publicly, the private thought deadened in the data and in objectivity as mythical criteria of scientific citizenship. We see an official, bureaucratic interdisciplinary approach, characterized by perfect scientific careers at the service of conservationism. The technicians unfortunately have too often given up their social presence.
The psychotherapist, as a technician of the human sciences, faces the alternatives of being the instrument of society in order to treat deviant behavior, or of using the consequences of the knowledge of his or her own research method in order to provoke social change. A newly acquired awareness of the psychotherapists as a professional group goes beyond the individual or private experience as social or political figures. Psychotherapeutic knowledge requires active participation to the reality that has to be built, and does not leave room to "technicisms".
The attempt to know each other and, at one hand, to bring within our profession, presented with its concrete and characterizing aspects, themes and problems of neighboring disciplines, and, to the other, to offer to the latter the contributions of psychotherapeutic research, represent the aim of this journal. The premises of an anthropological discourse, within the limits of our history and of our culture, is first of all, in this phase, a problem of reciprocal knowledge. It is a commitment to a research in which our technical loneliness can find an answer in the technical loneliness of others. Insecurity, daily feeling of the psychotherapist at work, is taken responsibly as an interplay between conflicting poles within the human sciences, toward a clarity beyond the false empirical knowledge» (p. 1 of issue no. 1/1967 of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane; reprinted on p. 298 of issue no. 3/2006).

In this key, the concrete interdisciplinary approach is the goal of a professional commitment with high social impact, in opposition with the culture of "parallel tolerances" and of "ecumenical opportunisms" (see, to this regards, P.F. Galli's paper presented at the 1990 annual meeting of the Rapaport-Klein Study Group).

In line with these premises, the journal Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane publishes psychoanalytic papers side by side with papers of other disciplines such as psychology, psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, science of education, and history. Exponents of these disciplines are represented in the editorial and advisory boards of the journal since its foundation. At the end of the 1980s the characterization of "service" to the Italian mental health community was better implemented with a series of columns such as "Classics of psychoanalytic research" (30 classic psychoanalytic papers written between 1927 and 1965, and published from 1989 to 1999), "Clinical cases" (since 1987, with many complete clinical cases published and discussed), "Book reviews" (since 1984), "Traces. Mummia ridens" (since 2004, with a reconstruction of the history of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy in Italy from theoretical and sociological points of view), and, finally, "Journals" (since 1984), with the contents and the review of selected articles of the main national and international journals of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis (The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Revue Française de Psychanalise, Psyche, etc.).

The "cooperative" and the "association"

The "Cooperativa Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane a r.l.", founded in 1978, continued under this name the activities of the Milan Group for the Advancement of Psychotherapy and had the followings goals explicitly stated in the by-laws (February 27, 1978): the publication of journals and books specialized in psychology, psychoanalytic technique, and the human sciences (including social sciences and the humanities); continuing education and professional update of its members; the organization of professional meetings on psychology, psychoanalysis, and the human sciences. The officers were the following: President: Alberto Merini, M.D.; Board: Pier Francesco Galli, M.D., Alberto Merini, M.D., Eugenia Omodei Zorini, M.D.; Trustees: Marianna Bolko, M.D., Adriana Grotta, Ph.D., Giancarlo Rigon, M.D., Ferruccio Tiberi, M.D. (substitute), Eustachio Loperfido, M.D. (substitute).

In January 2012 the "Cooperativa Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane a r.l." has been closed and, for administrative reasons, substituted by the "Association Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane". The training activities are economically supported only by the participants' registration fees.

The journal Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane was independent from the "Cooperativa", and still remains totally independent from the "Association".


The quarterly journal Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane (ISSN 0394­-2864; Dewey Decimal Classification [DDC] 616; electronic ISSN 1972­-5043) is totally independent from the association. It is edited jointly by Pier Francesco Galli, M.D., Marianna Bolko, M.D., and Paolo Migone, M.D. (editor-in-chief), it was founded in 1967 by Pier Francesco Galli, M.D., and since issue no. 1/1982 it is published by FrancoAngeli of Milan. It is by far one of the most widely circulated journals in the field of psychology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis in Italy, with more than 1,000 readers and more than 50 years of history. This journal financially is entirely self-supported, and by choice it does not accept economical support by any public or private institution, and never publishes advertisements of any sort. It is financed only by subscribers and with issues sold in bookstores. In the past decades some important book series have been edited by Pier Francesco Galli:

Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane has its own official web site ( and has also web pages hosted in two Italian Internet journals: since May 1998 it is in the portal Psychomedia (where since June 2000 it has also a section with historical documents of the group), and since February 1999 it is in Psychiatry on Line - Italy (

National and international scope

The journal Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane has always been part of the independent international psychoanalytic network Platform International, and operates in partnership with the "Zurich Psychoanalytic Seminar" (PSZ) and with its Journal für Psychoanalyse, with the Sigmund Freud Institut of Frankfurt a.M., with the Istituzione "Gianfranco Minguzzi" of Bologna, with the Centro Universitario di Psichiatria Multietnica "Georges Devereux" of Bologna, and it is a member of the International Council of Editors of Psychoanalytic Journals (ICEPJ) and of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The journal Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane is indexed in Web of Science / Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), PsycINFO (Psychological Abstracts), Psychoanalytic Abstracts, EMBASE (Excerpta Medica), Scopus, PEP Web, EMCare, ERIH Plus, EBSCO Discovery Service, Sociological Abstracts, Social Services Abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, IBSS (International Bibliography of the Social Sciences), The Philosopher's Index, Google Scholar, Casalini-EIO/Torrossa, ESSPER (Economia, Scienze sociali e Storia), CLOCKSS, Portico, etc.

In the past years the at "International Seminars" participated authors such as Johannes Cremerius, Merton Gill, Peter Wolff, Lawrence Friedman, Fred Busch, Owen Renik, Robert Langs, Berthold Rothschild, Tobie Nathan, Helmut Thomä, Elizabeth Bott Spillius, Joyce McDougall, John Gedo, Peter Fonagy, Morris Eagle, Robert Holt, Robert Wallerstein, Frank Sulloway, etc. Many of their presentations appeared in the journal Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane and only later in foreign journals or books. Themes such as Self Psychology and narcissism were introduced by Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane 20 years before their diffusion in the wider international literature.

Training activities

A characterizing aspect has always been the implementation of training projects for mental health professionals of the national health system. Members of the original group of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, together with colleagues that have been trained in full or in part within the group, have always been - and still are today - involved in training projects for the public sector, both formally (with regular contracts) and informally as private trainers and supervisors. This informal training network, which is sociologically well recognizable, implies educational services for the public sector which reaches a few thousands trainees nationwide.

The first training project in a psychiatric city hospital was in Varese from 1962 to 1964. In the psychiatric hospital of the city of Sondrio in 1967 the first project of "teaching hospital" in Italy was implemented (the structure of this project - described in issues nos. 1/1967, 4/2016, and 1/2017 of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane - included 25 hours of teaching a week, for 40 weeks a year, to psychiatric residents of the psychiatric hospital of Sondrio).

Between 1989 and 1996 Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane in Pordenone organized the School of Psychotherapy and Rehabilitation of the Study and Research Center on Mental Health of the "Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia" (Participating Institution in the World Health Organization [WHO] Collaboration Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health Italy).

In summary, the intervention in the national mental health system and the integration between the public and the private sectors have always been the main characterizing aspects of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, together with a method of training and continuing education programs based on work with small groups.

The "International Seminars" (see also the web site Training Programs)

Since 1982 (and informally since 1974), Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane organizes in Bologna a course of continuing education called, for historical reasons, "International Seminars". This course is based on monthly meetings (on the third Saturday of each month) and is for M.D.s and Ph.D.s who are already trained. The number of participants is limited to 52 in order to guarantee an active training method. A new participant can be accepted only when someone leaves the program. For further information and registrations, contact the secretary: mobile phone 348-5622627, e-mail <>.

Italian and foreign experts of psychoanalysis and related fields are selected and invited by the Program Committee of the "International Seminars"; the members of the Program Committee are Alberto Merini, M.D., Marianna Bolko, M.D., Dante Comelli, Ph.D., Silvia Marchesini, Ph.D., Pietro Pascarelli, M.D., Euro Pozzi, M.D., and Gabriele Vezzani, M.D. (all members of the Program Committee have, beside their own personal and specific training, more than 25 years of professional experience, often also in the public sector). The goal of the "International Seminars" is to provide continuing education on themes of psychoanalytic theory, theory of technique, and social sciences. Each monthly meeting has the following schedule:

The training project of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane includes: a) diachronic aspects: themes that are dealt in the course of several years, such as gender identity, adolescence psychopathology, transcultural psychiatry and psychotherapy, treatment of severe psychopathology, theory of technique, theoretical and clinical confrontation with therapists of different approaches, etc. (this part is dealt with by the Program Committee during the monthly meetings); b) aspects that are specific to each meeting: choice of papers to be pre-distributed, themes that need to be emphasized in the papers and to be discussed within the small groups, clinical cases to be presented, use of audiovisual instrumentation, possible interventions by discussant within or without the group, etc. (this part is dealt with by the a member of the Program Committee, who becomes responsible for the training of a given meeting). In each meeting the Program Committee appoints a chairman who is in charge of opening and closing the meeting, of introducing the speaker and guests, of inviting the discussants to intervene, of monitoring the time schedule of presentations and coffee breaks, etc. Participants record their attendance by signing in and out in front of the meeting secretariat. The certificate of attendance is given to the participants only if they satisfy CME requirements of attendance.
Regarding the philosophy of this training program and its evaluation, the goal of this training in psychoanalytic therapy is only in small part that of increasing knowledge, but mostly that of improving professional performance, including relational skills. Such an improvement is not evident in the short run and using traditional tests based on cognitive aspects. At the moment, the methods for evaluating training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy are not cost-effective. Furthermore, it is quite difficult to ascertain, at the end of one year, which part of the improvement of performance is due to the course, or to other experiences outside this course (such as personal training or supervisions). The "International Seminars" are a continuing education experience that begun in the early 1970s and that continues to change and improve.
The experts that have been invited since 1984, in chronological order, are the following: 
1984-85: Marianna Bolko & Alberto Merini (Bologna), Silvano Massa (Genoa), Pier Francesco Galli (Bologna), Sergio Dazzi (Parma), Paolo Migone (Parma) & Milly Fumagalli (Milan), Vittorio Melega & Giovanni Neri (Bologna), Marianna Bolko & Alberto Merini (Bologna), Giancarlo Rigon (Bologna) & Franco Ricci (Pesaro)
1985-86: Marianna Bolko & Alberto Merini (Bologna), Pier Francesco Galli (Bologna) & Paolo Migone (Parma), Marianna Bolko & Alberto Merini (Bologna)
April 4, 1987: One-day seminar in Milan (Palazzo delle Stelline) on three themes: "The therapeutic setting" (discussion groups leaders: Marianna Bolko, Alberta Emiliani, Adriana Grotta, Pierrette Lavanchy, Antonella Mancini, Alberto Merini, Eugenia Omodei Zorini, Franco Ricci, Giancarlo Rigon), "Psychotherapies in the public sector" (discussion groups leaders: Alessandro Ancona, Piergiorgio Battaggia, Teresa Corsi Piacentini, Emanuele Gualandri, Eustachio Loperfido, Vittorio Melega, Giovanni Neri, Mariangela Pierantozzi, Ferruccio Tiberi), "Diagnosis and psychotherapy" (discussion groups leaders: Pier Maria Furlan, Pier Francesco Galli, Nella Guidi, Vladimir Jancovic, Giampaolo Lai, Silvano Massa, Paolo Migone, Berthold Rothschild, Katharina Schweizer, Judith Valk, Thomas Von Salis, Billa Zanuso)
1987-88: Fiorella Giusberti & Andrea Melella (Bologna), Vittorio Melega & Giovanni Neri (Bologna), Paolo Migone (Parma), Adriana Grotta (Bologna), Teresa Corsi Piacentini (Genoa), Marianna Bolko & Alberto Merini (Bologna), Giuliana Gagliani & Mariangela Pierantozzi (Bologna)
June 3-4, 1988: Meeting of Platform International in Milan (Palazzo delle Stelline) "Are idiots still useful?". Papers by Pier Francesco Galli (Bologna), Emilio Modena (Zürich), Berthold Rothschild (Zürich), Paul Parin (Zürich), Goldy Parin-Matthey (Zürich), Johannes Cremerius (Friburg i.Br.), Armando Bauleo (Buenos Aires/Venezia), Gregório Baremblitt (Rio de Janeiro), Paul Passett (Zürich), Sjef Teuns (Amsterdam), Georg Christoph Tholen (Kassel), A. Borst (Paris), Arno von Blarer (Zürich), Marie-Claire Boons (Paris), Giacomo Contri (Milan), Detlef Michaelis (Frankfurt), Roberto Dionigi (Bologna), Michele Ranchetti (Florence), Tito Perlini (Milan), Robert D. Hinshelwood (London), Johannes Reichmayr (Vienna), J.L. Pedreir (Gijon), H. Stephan (Hamburg). Discussion group leaders: A. Borst, M. Monville, C. Landry, Sjef Teuns, Hans-Peter Meyer, Barbara Andriello, Luciano Rispoli, Anotnio Marigliano, Liliana Stea, Orlando Todarello, Ciro Elia, Anna Maria Fabbrichesi, Marianna Bolko, Alberto Merini, A. Ballabio, Maria D.Contri
1988-89: October 22, 1988, Audrey Gavshon (London), "The role of play in child psychoanalysis" (Clinical case presented by Adriana Grotta); November 19, 1988, Pedro Grosz (Zürich), "The concept of identity in theory and technique" (Clinical case presented by Mariangela Pierantozzi); December 17, 1988, Thomas von Salis (Zürich) (Clinical case presented by Maria Russo); January 21, 1989, Berthold Rothschild (Zürich), "Civilization and its dicontents: A re-reading" (Clinical case presented by Giancarlo Boncompagni); February 18, 1989, Marco Conci, "Introduction to Sullivan" (this seminar has been held in place of a seminar by Paul Parin, of Zürich, titled "Male homosexuality: clinical and social aspects"); March 18, 1989, Emilio Modena (Zürich), "The other reality: Analytic psychotherapy with Southern immigrants" (Clinical case presented by Giuliana Gagliani); April 15, 1989, Judith Valk (Zürich), "The development of dreamn theory in psychoanalysis" (Clinical case presented by Dante Comelli); May 20, 1989, Morris N. Eagle (Toronto), "Clinical and theoretical changes in psychoanalysis: From conflicts to deficits and from wishes to needs" (Clinical case presented by Paolo Migone)
1989-90: October 21, 1989, Robert R. Holt (New York), "A perestrojka for psychoanalysis"; November 18, 1989, Pedro Grosz (Zürich), "Fear in the psychoanalytic treatment"; December 16, 1989, Marco Bacciagaluppi (Milan), "The problem of narcissism in Erich Fromm's theory"; January 20, 1990, Judith Valk (Zürich), "The psychoanalytic theory of defenses"; February 17, 1990, Audrey Gavshon (London), "Developmentl impact separation, divorce and new marriage in the analysis of a child in the latency phase"; March 3, 1990, Anton Obholzer (London); March 17, 1990, John E. Gedo (Chicago), "An epistemology of transference"; April 7, 1990, Anne Hurry (London), "Clinical problems of late adolescence"
1990-91: November 17, 1990, George S. Moran (London), "Reflections on the goal of child analysis" (Giancarlo Rigon introduces the discussion); December 15, 1990, Marianna Bolko & Alberto Merini (Bologna), "On denial" (Pier Francesco Galli introduces the discussion); January 19, 1991, Anton Obholzer (London) (Ilich Rossi introduces the discussion); February 16, 1991, Adam Limentani (London), "Overlooked fathers in the etiopathogenesis of sexual perversions" (Marianna Bolko introduces the discussion); March 16, 1991, Berthold Rothschild (Zürich), "Aggression in the borderline patient" (Giancarlo Boncompagni introduces the discussion); April 20, 1991, Steven Mitchell (New York) (Marco Conci introduces the discussion); May 18, 1991, Dante Comelli (Modena), Gianfranco Contini (Reggio Emilia), and Maria Russo (Riccione), "Team, group and decisional processes: use of supervision in team work" (Alberto Merini introduces the discussion). Other seminars have been held by Rose Edgcumbe (London), Peter Fonagy (London), Ferruccio Giacanelli (Bologna) and Paul Parin (Zürich)
June 24-27, 1991: Week long seminar in Bologna with Johannes Cremerius (Friburg i.Br.), Morris N. Eagle (New York), Lawrence Friedman (New York), Pier Francesco Galli (Bologna), Merton M. Gill (Chicago), Robert R. Holt (New York), Tito Perlini (Venice), Michele Ranchetti (Florence), Frank J. Sulloway (Boston), Helmut Thomä (Ulm), Peter H. Wolff (Boston) et al.
1992: Mahmoud Sami-Ali (Paris), Bruna Zani (Bologna), Anton Obholzer (London), Lilian Berna-Simons (Zürich), Berthold Rothschild (Zürich), Roger Kennedy (London), Judith Valk (Zürich)
1993: January 23, Berthold Rothschild (Zürich), "Enlightenment and psychoanalysis: The betrayed lover"; February 20, Giordano Fossi (Florence), "Psychoanalysis, technique, and interpretation"; March 20, Lilian Berna-Simons (Zürich), "Formations of symptoms as a defense from depression: observations on some adolescent girls"; May 15, Clifford Yorke (London); November 13, Tobie Nathan (Paris), "Use of traditional representations in the intake of early autisms (with video presentation of ethno-psychiatric material)" (this seminar was originally planned for October 16 with the title "Psychotherapy experiences with African non-EU citizens"); November 20, Marion Burgner (London), "Reflections on the treatment of a female patient with eating disorder" (this seminar was originally supposed to be given, with a different title, by Peter Fonagy); December 11, Ita Imhof-Grosz (Zürich), "On seduction" (this seminar was originally planned for December 18)
June 25-26, 1993: Two-days workshop in Milan (Palazzo delle Stelline) with Lawrence Friedman and Leonard Groopman (New York)
1994: January 22, Tito Perlini (Venice), "The dark side of psychoanalysis"; March 12, John E. Gedo (Chicago), "Working through as metaphor and as a modality of treatment": March 19, Joice McDougall (Paris), "Du corps parlant au corps parlé" [From the speaking body to the spoken body]; may 15, Jay Greenberg (New York), "Beyond Oedipus"; May 28, Robert R. Holt (New York), "Some theoretical problems of Freud stemming from unsolved metaphysical conflicts"; October 15, Giorgio Sassanelli (Rome), "On passion"; November 19, Berthold Rothschild (Zürich), "Psychoanalysis and oral history"
1995: January 21, Tito Perlini (Venice), "Psychoanalysis: Between diffusion and massification"; February 18, Helmut Thomä (Ulm), "Mastering of anxiety in the neurotic patient"; March 18, Piero Coppo (Casciana [Pisa]), "Western psychiatry and traditional medicine: Culture and psychopathology"; May 20, Paulo Roberto Ceccarelli (Paris), "On transexualism"; October 14, Elizabeth Bott Spillius (London), "A look on Kleinian thought" (this seminar has been held in place of a seminar by Gianpaolo Lai titled "Relational viewpoints: The conversational approach"); November 18, Pier Francesco Galli (Bologna), "The relationl doctrines: Observations on the new ones that advance" (this seminar has been held in place of a seminar by Roberto Speziale-Bagliacca titled "Guilt and strategies to cope with it"); December 16, Giacomo Contri (Milan), "Neurosis, illness, and psychopathology". Discussion groups leaders: Alessandro Ancona, Marianna Bolko, Teresa Corsi Piacentini, Eustachio Loperfido, Alberto Merini, Eugenia Omodei Zorini, Giancarlo Rigon
1996: Maurizio Peciccia (Perugia), Juan Manzano (Geneva), Tobie Nathan (Paris), Fritz A. Henn (Mannheim), Salomon Resnik (Paris), Fernanda Pedrina (Zürich), Pier Franceso Galli (Bologna)
1997: Pedro Grosz (Zürich), Armando Bauleo (Buenos Aires/Venice), Berthold Rothschild (Zürich), Salvatore Inglese (Catanzaro), Silvia Amati Sas (Geneva-Trieste), Roberto Speziale-Bagliacca (Genoa), Furio Ravera (Milan)
1998: Adele Nunziante Cesaro (Naples), Domenico Di Ceglie (London), Massimo Cuzzolaro (Rome), Johannes Reichmayr (Vienna), Giorgio Sassanelli (Rome), Luciano Rispoli (Naples), Giovanni Liotti (Rome)
1999: Tito Perlini (Venice), Johannes Cremerius (Friburg i.B.), Paul Parin (Zürich), Antonino Ferro (Pavia), Fred Busch (Ann Arbor), Wolfgang Mertens (Munich), Irene Bernardini (Milan). Groups leaders: Fabiano Bassi, Marianna Bolko, Pier Francesco Galli, Eustachio Loperfido, Alberto Merini, Eugenia Omodei Zorini, Ferruccio Tiberi
2000: Owen Renik (San Francisco), Michele Ranchetti (Florence), Ethel Spector Person (New York), Morris N. Eagle (New York), Stavros Mentzos (Frankfurt a.M.), Ferruccio Osimo (Milan), Mario Lavagetto (Parma)
2001: Philippe Jeammet (Paris), Salvatore Inglese (Catanzaro), Michael Stone (New York), Jack Drescher (New York), Carlo Bonomi (Florence), Lawrence Friedman (New York), Pedro Grosz (Zürich)
2002: Sergio Moravia (Florence), Emilio Modena (Zürich), Umberto Ponziani (Bologna), Robert S. Wallerstein (San Francisco), Lilli Gast (Berlin), Owen Renik (San Francisco), Giuseppe Varchetta (Milan)
2003: Tito Perlini (Venice), Maurizio Balsamo (Rome), Omar Ndoye (Dakar), Werner Bohleber (Frankfurt a.M.), Jacques Hochmann (Lion), Theodore Jacobs (New York), Giampaolo Lai (Milan)
May 31, 2003: 40th Anniversary of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane in Bologna: "The reasons for our history. 1962-2003: Forty years of psychoanalysis and related fields": One-day seminar with Pier Francesco Galli, Giancarlo Rigon, Pietro Pascarelli, Ulrich Wienand, Eustachio Loperfido, Dante Comelli, Alberto Merini, Marianna Bolko, and Giorgio Meneguz
2004: Stavros Mentzos (Frankfurt a.M.), Jacques André (Paris), Mario Lavagetto (Parma), Alberto Llasa (Bilbao), Morris N. Eagle (New York), Francesco Napolitano (Caserta), Bernard Golse (Paris)
January 15, 2005: One-day seminar in Bologna on "Psychiatry, psychoanalysis: The multicultural challenge", with Tullio Seppilli, Alberto Merini, Eustachio Loperfido, Ferruccio Giacanelli, Alain Goussot, Pietro Pascarelli, Tito Perlini, Giancarlo Rigon
2005: Valeria Babini (Bologna), Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber (Frankfurt a.M.), Maurizio Balsamo (Rome), Catherine Chabert (Paris), Morris N. Eagle (Los Angeles), Franco De Masi (Milan), Roberto Beneduce (Turin), Roland Gori (Marseille)
2006: Judith Valk (Zürich), Daniéle Brun (Paris), Michele Ranchetti (Florence), Alain Vanier (Paris), Vincenzo Masini (Siena), Lorena Preta (Rome), Heinrich Deserno (Frankfurt a.M.)
December 15, 2006: "Psychotherapeutic culture and psychiatric culture: Vicissitudes and transformations" (Presentation of the Special Issue no. 3/2006 on the occasion of the 40th Anniversary of  Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, organized by the Institution "Gian Franco Minguzzi" of Bologna; see the Press Review): papers by Valeria P. Babini (Bologna), Feruccio Giacanelli (Bologna), Angelo Guarnieri (Genoa), Tito Perlini (Venice); Eustachio Loperfido, chairman
2007: January 20, Giovanni De Renzis (Naples), "What remains of psychoanalysis", Discussant Pier Francesco Galli; March 17, Massimo Recalcati (Milan), "Anorexia and anxiety"; April 21, Adelina Talamonti (Rome), "The exorcist and the psychaitrist. An anthropological perspective on demoniac possession and exorcism"; May 19, Manfred Pohlen (Marburg), "The influencing power of the analyst and the truth of his method" [cancelled and moved to March 15, 2008, with a different title]; May 19, Howard Shevrin (Ann Arbor), "Theory of drive in the light of recent neuroscience findings and theories (The need for a basic science of psychoanalysis)"; October 20, Luigi Zoja (Milan), "The function of the father in current times and in history"; November 17, Maurice Corcos (Paris), "Affect control in borderline functioning"; December 15, Olga Pozzi (Naples), "Reflections on the evolution of the concept of transference in different theoretical models"
2008: February 16, Ferdinando Bersani (Bologna), "Reproducibility in science: Myth or reality?" (Paolo Migone, discussant); March 15, Manfred Pohlen (Marburg) [moved from May 19, 2007], "Therapeutic factors in psychoanalysis: A process between scientific objectivity and suggestion"; April 19, Lawrence Friedman (New York), "A renaissance for Freud's Papers on Technique"; May 17, Jacques André (Paris), "Waiting for events"; June 21, Marco Chiesa (London), "An outpatient treatment program for borderline patients: Clinical model and outcome"; September 20, Heinrich Deserno (Frankfurt a.M.), "Love and depression"; November 15, Maurizio Balsamo (Rome), "The genealogic's genealogies"
2009: January 17, David Le Breton (Strasbourg), "Adolescence, risky behaviors, and personal rites: an anthropological perspective"; February 21, Ciro Elia (Bergamo), "State of the art of individual psychotherapy of psychoses"; March 21, Sergio Piro (Naples), "State of the art of psychiatry in Italy today" (since Sergio Piro died suddenly on Jan. 7, 2009, this seminar has been held by Valeria P. Babini, Ph.D., Pietro Pascarelli, M.D., Federico Perozziello, M.D., and Pietro Pellegrini, M.D.); May 16, Fausto Petrella (Pavia), "On psychoanalytic process"; June 20, Alberto Luchetti (Rome), "The return of the repressed"; October 17, Roberto Speziale-Bagliacca (Genoa), "Real object and splitting"; November 21, Francesco Barale (Pavia), "Autism, the full weakness"
Novembre 28, 2009: Seminar in Bologna with Jerome C. Wakefield (New York), "Freud and philosophy of mind"
2010: January 16, Tito Perlini (Trieste), "Civilization and Its Discontents eight years after. Observations of Freud's paper"; February 20, Pedro Grosz (Zürich), "The problem of mutual dependency in the succession of generations"; March 20, Silvio Merciai (Turin), "Neuroscience and psychoanalysis: To do what we can..."; April 17, Luigi Antonello Armando (Rome), "From the New Athens to Thebes: Trauma in Freud and according to Freud"; October 16, Jack P. Drescher (New York), "A history of the relationship between psychoanalysis and homosexuality"; November 20, Francesco Napolitano (Caserta), "Materials for a Freudian philosophy of aphasia"; December 18, George J. Makari (New York), "Revolution in mind: The creation of psychoanalysis"
2011: January 15, Franco Maiullari (Locarno), "Passions between myth and psychoanalysis"; February 19, Ferdinando Amigoni (Bologna), "'Learning to survive?': Life, instructions for use according to Perec"; March 19, Ivan Ulric (Split), "The phenomenon of shame in ex-prisoners of war"; April 16, Maurizio Balsamo (Rome), "The problem of free association in contemporary analytic practice"; May 21, Pier Luigi Rossi (Rome), "'Actual' psychopathologies: A chapter of Freud's opus that has been forgotten for too long"; October 15, Ettore Perrella (Padua), "Training analysis: Some clinical effects of globalization"; December 17, Heinrich Deserno (Frankfurt a.M.), "Unconscious intergenerational transmission of conflicts and traumata"
September 20, 2011: "Training psychotherapists, today": A meeting in Bologna with Otto F. Kernberg (New York) on the occasion of the 45th Anniversary of the journal Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane (papers by Otto F. Kernberg and Pier Francesco Galli; interventions by Marianna Bolko, Emilio Modena, Thomas von Salis, Alberto Merini, and Paolo Migone)
October 22, 2011: "Psychiatry between disgnosis and 'diagnosticism': The critical debate on the DSM-5 process": A meeting with Allen Frances, M.D., head of the DSM-IV task force
2012: January 21, Antonello Armando (Rome), "Dream as daily trauma and responsibility of the interpreter"; February 18, Lucilla Albano (Rome), "Psychoanalytic theory of the movies"; April 21, Alessandro Garella (Naples), "Termination of analysis among theory, technique, and ethics"; May 19, Piero Porcelli (Bari), "Contemporary developments in psychosomatics"; September 22, Patrick Guyomard (Paris), "Lacan and countertransference"; October 20, Nancy C. Hollander (Los Angeles), "Ideology of psychoanalytic interpretation"; November 17, Alberto Luchetti (Rome), "Melancholy of the ego"
April 13, 2012: "Contemporary psychoanalysis: An overview from the theoretical point of view": A meeting in Bologna with Morris N. Eagle (Los Angeles)
2013: January 29, Antonio Andreoli (Geneva), "Love passions and death wish: the return of animism in the treatment of suicidal crisis of borderline patients"; February 16 , David Meghnagi (Rome), "Primo  Levis' life and literary vicisitudes"; March 16, Davide Cavagna (Milan), "Psychic reality"; April 20, Renée Roussillon (Lyon), "Oedipus, transitional, sexual, reflexivity"; May 18, Antonio Di Ciaccia (Rome), "The pleasure in Lacan"; October 19, Giovanni Pizza (Perugia), "Oedipus and anthropology. From the 'triangle' Freud/Malinowski/Lévi-Strauss to the contemporary debate"; November 16, Maurizio Balsamo (Rome), "The destiny of imago in the treatment"
2014: January 25, Maurizio Peciccia (Perugia), "Dream and therapeutic progressive mirror drawing in psychoanalytic therapy of psychoses"; February 15, David Meghnagi (Rome), "Humor as tertiary process: Irony and humor in the psychoanalytic session"; March 15, Alfredo Zenoni (Bruxelles), "The concept of reality in Lacan"; April 12, Mauricio Cortina (Silver Spring, Maryland, USA), "The new science of prosocial motivations and the clinical dialogue"; May 17, Barnaba Maj (Rome), "«As if madness would wildly ride behind him...». The 'Lenz case' according to Georg Büchner"; October 18, Celestino Genovese (Naples), "Primitive anxiety and psychic structure"; November 15, Francesca Magnani (Reggio Emilia), "Which psychoanalytic approach to the great musical works? A reading of Verdi's Macbeth and of Wagner's Parsifal". In 2014 each meeting has been preceded by a seminar held by Pier Francesco Galli titled "Clinical practice and theory building in psychotherapy: An historical overview" (from 1.15 pm to 2.45 pm)
2015: January 17, Sarantis Thanopulos (Naples), "The nature of desire and love relationship"; February 21, Marco Solinas (Florence), "On Axel Honneth's theory of recognition"; March 21, Bruce Reis (New York), "Process, not technique: change in psychotherapy according to the Boston Change Process Study Group (BCPSG)"; May 16, Eugenia Omodei Zorini (Milan), "Female and male identities: What has changed?"; September 19, Dominique Scarfone (Montréal), "Between presentation and representation: the timing of transference"; October 17, Vittorio Lingiardi (Rome), "Between clinical practice and ideology: Gender identity and sexual orientation"; November 15, Adriano Voltolin (Milan), "Clinical issues within the individual and neurosis of the communities". In 2015 the seminars held by Pier Francesco Galli before each meeting of year 2014 continued with a different format: four seminars of 4 hours each have been planned on March 7, May 9, October 10, and December 12 (Saturday afternoons, from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm), at the Convento San Domenico of Bologna (Piazza San Domenico 13, Bologna): in the first the historical overview begun in 2014 continued, and in the second part some parts of relevant papers on the literature on theory of technique have been read and discussed (these meeting were free of charge and reserved to the participants of the "International Seminars of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane")
February 15, 2015: "Intersubjectivity and modern conflict theory": A meeting in Bologna with Christopher Christian (New York)
March 18, 2015: "Psychoanalysis and religion: Why Freud was wrong": A meeting in Bologna with Otto F. Kernberg (New York)
December 21, 2015: "Why psychiatric care in Italy is better than in the Unites States": A meeting in Parma with Allen Frances, M.D., head of the DSM-IV task force
2016: January 16, Elisabeth Roudinesco (Paris), "Freud, history and memory"; February 20, Lucio Russo (Rome), "«The ego is not master in its own house». Identities and Masks"; April 16, Luigi Zoja (Milan), "Paranoia and history: A psychological and cultural view of Western conflicts"; May 21, Florian Houssier (Paris), "Starting again from Freud's adolescence: Where biography and theory go hand in hand"; September 17, Ferruccio Vigna (Turin), "Clinical transformations of hysteria"; October 15, Massimo Ammaniti (Rome), "Daniel N. Stern in contemporary psychoanalysis"; November 19, Felice Cimatti (Rome), "Language and death instinct"
October 17, 2016: Meeting in Siena for the 50th Anniversary of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, with Andrea Fagiolini, Stefano Fissi, and Paolo Migone
December 1, 2016: "The Future of Psychoanalysis": A meeting in Rome on the occasione of the Special Issue no. 3/2016 for the 50th Anniversary of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, with Pier Francesco Galli, Marco Innamorati, Girolamo Lo Verso, David Meghnagi, Paolo Migone, Filippo Pergola, Sergio Salvatore
December 17, 2016: Meeting in Bologna for the 50th Anniversary of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, with Valeria P. Babini, Stefano Benni, Marianna Bolko, Renzo Canestrari, Marcello Cesa-Bianchi, Renato Foschi, Pier Francesco Galli, Dagmar Herzog, Alberto Merini, Paolo Migone, Enzo Spaltro [see the video]
2017: January 21, Sergio Benvenuto (Rome), "Do perversions exist?"; February 18, Horst Kächele (Ulm), "From case study to single case research: A perennial issue?"; March 18: Giovanni Zamboni (Bologna), "Mechanisms and metaphors in the analysis of nervous function"; April 8, Roberto Beneduce (Turin), "What remains of ethnopsychiatry. Subalternity, psychological suffering, and hegemonic cultures"; May 20, Jeremy D. Safran (New York), "Impasse, enactment, and the therapist's mental state as an instrument for change"; September 16, Massimiliano Sommantico (Naples): "From the family complex to the brother complex: Theoretical and clincal developments"; October 7 (in Modena), Nancy Chodorow (Cambridge, Massachusetts), "Female and male: The roots of gender violence"; November 18, Pier Francesco Galli (Bologna), "Clinical work and theory building in psychoanalysis: Reflections between questions and answers"; December 16, Pier Francesco Galli (Bologna), "Dangerous turns between psychoanalysis and psychoanalysts"
2018: January 20, Carlo Bonomi (Florence), "The importance of Ferenczi for the psychoanalytic movement today"; February 17, Salvatore Inglese (Catanzaro), "Déjà vu. Traces of critical ethnopsychiatry"; March 17, David Le Breton (Strasburg), "To escape from oneself in order to save oneself"; April 14, René Kaës (Lyon), "Metapsychology today"; May 19, Roland Gori (Marseille), "Dreaming the world in order to be able to change it"; October 20, Antonio Di Ciaccia (Rome), "Psychoanalysis and politics: The discontent of civilization" [Segregation: Today's scar of the evaporation of the father]; November 17, Antonino Ferro (Pavia), "Dreams, transformations, deconstructions"
2019: January 19, Fethi Benslama (Paris), "The foundational repressions in the Islamic institution and their return in modern times"; February 16, Alex Pagliardini (Rome), "Strips of the real"; March 16, Andrea B. Baldassarro (Rome), "The work of the negative. Destruction and construction of reality"; April 13, Marianna Bolko (Bologna) & Berthold Rothschild (Zurich), "Political thought in Paul Parin's writings"; May 18, Peter M. Cryle (Queensland, Australia), "Observations on normality"; October 19, Francesco Bottaccioli (Rome), "Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology (PNEI) and epigenetics for the renewal of psychological sciences and practices"; November 23, Alessandro Garella (Naples), "History of curative factors"
2020: January 18, Mark Solms (Cape Town), "Clinical implications of neuropsychoanalysis"; February 15, Francesco Gazzillo (Rome), "Making patients feel safe: A brief introduction to Control-Mastery Theory"; June 20, Alberto Merini (Bologna), Marianna Bolko (Bologna), and Dante Comelli (Modena), "The impact of the virus: Notes for the understanding of the current situation"; September 19 , Gian Maria Galeazzi (Modena), "Mentalization: Theory and clinical applications" [this seminar was scheduled for May 16 but has been re-scheduled to September 19 due to the COVID-19 pandemic]; October 10, Maurizio Balsamo (Rome), "Scompositions of the identical. Working on the repetition compulsion" [this seminar was scheduled for October 17 but has been anticipated for the rre-scheduling of the seminars due to COVID-19 pandemic]; November 21, Antonio Di Ciaccia (Rome), "What is the name of countertransference in Lacan?"; December 19, Ivan Urlić (Spalato), "Psychic trauma and reconciliation: Is forgiveness possible?" [this seminar was scheduled for March 21 but has been re-scheduled to December 21 due to the COVID-19 pandemic] [the seminar scheduled for April 18 of Jerome C. Wakefield (New York), "Little Hans revisited: Freud versus Foucault on Oedipal complex", has been moved to a future date due to the COVID-19 pandemic]
2021: January 16, Leonardo Montecchi (Rimini), "The group's breath: Theory and technique of operative groups"; February 20, Gianni Francesetti (Turin), "The field perspective in psychopathology and in Gestalt therapy"; March 20, Riccardo Marco Scognamiglio (Milan), "The digital unconscious: The challenge of a clinical work without subjects"; April 17, Elizabeth Ann Danto (New York), "Anna Freud and the decolonization of childhood"; May 15, Morris N. Eagle (Los Angeles), "Toward a unified psychoanalytic theory: Foundations for a revised and expanded Ego Psychology" (in videoconference); October 16, Alberto Merini (Bologna) and Dante Comelli (Modena), "Two psychotherapists and the migrants. Not to talk of Freud"; November 20, Ferdinando Bersani and Giovanni Giorgini (Bologna), "Freud's Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego: Is this analysis still valid in order to interpret the social reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic?"
2022: January 22 , Francesco Giglio (Milan), "Trauma: contingency or necessity?"; February 19 , Franco "Bifo" Berardi (Bologna), "The evolution of the psychosphere and the imminent horizon of psychopathologies"; March 19, Felice Cimatti (Rome), "The ecstatic mind: Psychoanalysis and the experience of the sacred"; May 21, Lodovico Perulli (Venice), "The phenomenon of adolescents in extreme social withdrawal"; September 17, Rosine Perelberg (London), "Psychic bisexuality. Dialogue between English and French psychoanalysis"; October 15 , Sarah Nettleton (London), "Christopher Bollas's contribution to psychoanalytic metapsychology"; November 19 : Giacomo Marramao (Rome), "The foreign language of the unconscious"
2023: February 18 , Bernard Golse (Paris), "Psychiatrist-psychoanalyst: The most beautiful and the most threatened profession of the world"; March 18, Antonio Semerari (Rome), "The functions of consciousness and the therapeutic relationship in Pierre Janet's  perspective"; April 22, Jerome C. Wakefield (New York), "The loss of sadness and the pathologizing of grief: Are we overly pathologizing normal human emotions?"; May 20, Andrea Angelozzi (Padua), "Persuasion in psychotherapy: From ancient world's rethoric to heuristic modalities"; September 16, Rossella Valdrè (Genoa), "On sublimation"; October 21, Paola Scalari (Mestre [Venice]), "Marie Langer and women's body"; November 18, Jean-Paul Matot (Bruxelles), "Elements for an earthly psychoanalysis"
2024: January 20, Piero Porcelli (Bari), "Psicosomatica: possibili istruzioni per l'uso"; February 17, Silvio Lenzi (Bologna), "La terapia cognitiva come metodo esplorativo: il contributo del cognitivismo clinico italiano alla tecnica del dialogo terapeutico"; April 20, Camillo Loriedo (Rome), "L'evoluzione della terapia ipnotica: dall'induzione all'evocazione"; May 18, Roberto Beneduce (Turin), "Dove psiche, politico, storia e cultura s'incontrano"; September 21, Luigi Zoja (Milan), "Il declino del desiderio"; October 19, Daniele Giglioli (Trento), "Chi ha bisogno di traumi e di vittime. L'immaginario luttuoso come forma di governo assoluto"; November 16, Francesco Conrotto (Naples), "Psicoanalisi tra neuroscienze e metapsicologia"
2025: January 18 , Paolo Migone (Parma), "Il problema della validazione della psicoterapia"; February 15 , Riccardo Marco Scognamiglio (Milan), "Gli ibernati. Dal narcisismo dell'Io al narcisismo del You"; March 15 , Manuela Fraire (Rome), "Di che genere è l'animale umano?"; April 12 , Ita Grosz-Ganzoni (Zurich), "Panoramica degli incontri di discussione intorno all'argomento «Psicoanalisi e femminismo, 1991-2024»"; May 17 : Franco Lolli (San Benedetto del Tronto [Ascoli Piceno), "Cibo e parola: il Pasto Assistito come atto terapeutico di rettifica del rapporto del soggetto con l'oggetto orale"; October18 : Sarah Nettleton (London), "La terra di confine: musica, sogni e associazioni libere"; November 22 : Adriano Voltolin (Milan), "Pervasività della psicosi"

Other training activities sponsored by Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane (see also the web site of the Association):

Gruppo di studio "Psicopatologia psicoanalitica dell'adolescenza" (per informazioni: <>).
Questo gruppo di studio (organizzato direttamente dalla "Cooperativa Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane s.r.l.", e in seguito dalla "Associazione culturale Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane") si è costituito alla fine degli anni 1980, attivato da Marianna Bolko ed Eustachio Loperfido a partire da un gruppo di approfondimento dei "Seminari Internazionali". Prosegue attualmente con il coordinamento di Marianna Bolko, a numero chiuso con un massimo di 15 partecipanti. Sono state organizzate varie conferenze pubbliche tra cui le seguenti: Philippe Jeammet, "I volti della depressione nell'adolescente" (1998); Antonio De Lillo, "1983-2000: adolescenza a confronto tra cronaca e storia" (2000); Philippe Jeammet, "Lo psicodramma psicoanalitico individuale nel trattamento dell'adolescente" (2002); Paolo Billi, "Teatro nelle carceri minorili" (2004); Bruno Severi, "Poltergeist" (2006); Leonardo Montecchi, "Adolescenza e tossicodipendenze" (2007); Jack Drescher, "I problemi di gender in adolescenza" (2010); Maurizio Peciccia, "Trattamento delle psicosi e arte-terapia: il trattamento di un caso di psicosi insorta in età giovanile" (2013); René Roussillon, "La sopravvivenza dell'oggetto in adolescenza" (2014); Domenico Di Ceglie "La disforia di genere nell'età evolutiva e il suo impatto psicosociale" (2015); Paolo Gallina "Adolescenti e realtà virtuale. Come la immaginazione tecnologica trasforma la mente" (2016); etc.

Gruppo di Studio e di Lettura (per informazioni: <>), coordinato da Dante Comelli.
Il "Gruppo di studio e di lettura" si tiene a Modena ed è coordinato da Dante Comelli. Nell'arco dell'anno sono previsti 4 incontri. Il numero massimo è di 20 partecipanti. La partecipazione è riservata agli iscritti alla "Associazione Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane". Per l'iniziativa è previsto l'accreditamento ECM. Ogni anno viene individuato un argomento rilevante di psicoanalisi e psicoterapia che viene trattato nei suoi aspetti teorici, clinici e di teoria della tecnica. All'inizio dell'anno vengono indicati i testi e/o gli articoli da leggere e approfondire. In preparazione di ogni singolo incontro è consigliata la lettura dei testi indicati, mediamente di 40-60 pagine per incontro. Ogni incontro si apre con un'introduzione del coordinatore e/o di un partecipante. La partecipazione al gruppo, riservata agli iscritti alla "Associazione Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane", è gratuita. La richiesta di partecipazione può essere comunicata a Dante Comelli (<>).
Il Gruppo di Studio e di Lettura è attivo dal 2013. Cronologia dei temi trattati:
2025 "Il narcisismo nella clinica e nella vita quotidiana", 2024 "I meccanismi di difesa nella relazione con il paziente. Clinica del trauma e degli stili difensivi", 2023 "Terapia di sostegno e interventi di sostegno. Teoria, tecnica e clinica", 2022 "Le relazioni oggettuali: un campo di interesse attuale della psicoanalisi", 2021 "Cent'anni di gelosia. Dal 1921 al 2021", 2020 "Il Perturbante nella scena contemporanea", 2019 "Il mondo segreto delle fantasie sessuali. Teoria e clinica", 2018 "Regolazione affettiva e trauma relazionale", 2017 "Dominio e sottomissione nelle relazioni d'amore", 2016 "Paura, ansia e angoscia", 2015 "Rabbia, odio, violenza", 2014 "La psicoterapia dinamica per le patologie di alto livello", 2013 "La psicoanalisi delle origini e la psicoanalisi contemporanea".

Seminari Clinici di Supervisione
I "Seminari Clinici di Supervisione" sono incontri dedicati alla presentazione e supervisione di casi clinici. I "Seminari Clinici di Supervisione" si svolgono nelle città di Modena, Parma e Bologna. Nell'arco dell'anno sono previsti cinque incontri. Numero di partecipanti è limitato.
I "Seminari Clinici di Supervisione" di Modena sono coordinati da Dante Comelli e Daniele Vecchi.
I "Seminari Clinici di Supervisione" di Parma sono coordinati da Giovanna Bertoloni e Silvia Marchesini.
I "Seminari Clinici di Supervisione" di Bologna sono coordinati da Adriana Grotta ed Euro Pozzi.
La partecipazione è riservata agli iscritti alla "Associazione Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane". Per l'iniziativa è previsto l'accreditamento ECM.

Seminari d'estate
I "Seminari d'estate" sono un'iniziativa a carattere semiresidenziale che si svolge nel mese di giugno. I "Seminari d'estate" sono organizzati e coordinati da Dante Comelli. Gli iscritti alla "Associazione Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane", se interessati, possono frequentare l'iniziativa a semplice richiesta. I "Seminari d'estate" sono attivi dal 2014. Cronologia delle relazioni e dei relatori:
2025, Adriana Grotta (Bologna), "Un giorno mi sveglio femmina e l'altro maschio (Madame, 2021)"; 2024, Anna Maria Loiacono (Firenze), "Pensieri fantasie e sogni dell'analista nella prospettiva interpersonale contemporanea"; 2023, Alberto Merini (Bologna), "L'ascolto"; 2022, Massimo Raveri (Venezia), "Le illusioni e l'illuminazione. Il problema del desiderio nel pensiero buddhista"; 2021, Alberto Merini (Bologna), "Osservazioni sulla possessione in riferimento al lavoro psicoterapico con i migranti"; 2020, Iniziativa rinviata per pandemia; 2019, Giacomo Marramao (Roma), "La trappola dell'identità". Marianna Bolko (Bologna) "Un sogno telepatico (e forse precognitivo) durante il percorso psicoanalitico"; 2018, Umberto Curi (Padova), "L'uso della paura come strumento di potere e di governo"; Alberto Merini (Bologna), "Osservazioni su alcune attività del Centro di psichiatria multietnica "Georges Devereux" di Bologna"; 2017, Nancy Chodorow (Boston), "Genere e sessualità: teoria e clinica" (Individualizing Gender and Sexuality: Theory and Practice); 2016, Sergio Manghi (Parma), "Il risentimento come emozione di sfondo della società contemporanea", Alberto Merini (Bologna), Catia Nicoli (Bologna) "Corpo e trauma psichico. Con attenzione al rapporto madre-figlia", Anna Maria Loiacono (Firenze) "L'esperienza non formulata nella clinica della dissociazione"; 2015, Alberto Merini (Bologna), Catia Nicoli (Bologna), "Osservazioni sull'interpretazione", Giorgio Meneguz (Verbania), "Esitanti riflessioni sulle psicoanalisi di ieri e di oggi", Piero Pascarelli (Reggio Emilia), "George Devereux, la psicoterapia transculturale"; 2014, Sergio Manghi (Parma), "Desiderio, cultura e violenza. L'antropologia mimetica di René Girard", Paolo Migone (Parma) "Il ruolo del Rapaport-Klein Study Group nell'evoluzione del dibattito psicoanalitico", Anna Maria Loiacono (Firenze), "Il modello interpersonale e la clinica della dissociazione", Alberto Merini (Bologna), Catia Nicoli (Bologna), "Il mito di Edipo, il padre: storia e questioni cliniche".

Altre attività formative collegate, per continuità storica, alla "Associazione Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane" (vedi anche l'Area Formazione):

Corso di Formazione permanente a Milano. Era coordinato da Nella Guidi, attivo dal 1992 con numero chiuso di 20 partecipanti e 8 incontri annui.

Corso di Formazione permanente a Genova (per informazioni: <> o <>). E' attivo dal 1994, coordinato da Pier Francesco Galli in collaborazione con Maria Cellesi e Licia Filingeri, a numero chiuso con 20 partecipanti e 10 incontri annui.

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Web Editor: Paolo Migone, M.D.