Front cover of one of the approximately 250 volumes (the 1988 book The Anatomy of Psychotherapy by Larry Friedman, translated in 1993) of the book series "Program of Psychology, Psychiatry, and Psychotherapy" (see the full list of published volumes) of Boringhieri publisher of Turin, Italy (since 1987 "Bollati Boringhieri"), founded in 1964 by Pier Francesco Galli, M.D. (founder of the journal Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane), and directed by him until 1996 (design by Enzo Mari). Some of these books are Italian translations of Monographs of the Book Series Psychological Issues, founded by George S. Klein in 1959
Front cover of a volume with the original design (the 1960 book The Structure of Psychonalytic Theory: A Systematizing Attempt by David Rapaport, translated by Pier Fracesco Galli, M.D., in 1969) of the book series "Program Psychology, Psychiatry, and Psychotherapy" of Boringhieri publisher of Turin, Italy (design by Enzo Mari)
Front cover of the first ("Character", of 1992) of the 24 volumes (1992-96) of the book series "L'osservazione psicoanalitica" ["The Psychoanalytic Observation"] of Bollati Boringhieri publisher of Turin, Italy, directed by Pier Francesco Galli, M.D.
List of all volumes:
1. Il carattere, 1992
2. Rabbia e vendicatività, 1992
3. Noia e apatia, 1992
4. I sentimenti del terapeuta, 1992
5. Il sentimento assente, 1992
6. Invidia del pene?, 1992
7. Le rabbie croniche, 1992
8. Capacità di amare, 1993
9. Vuoto e disillusione, 1993
10. Entusiasmo, fiducia e perfezione, 1993
11. L'età di mezzo, 1993
12. Solitudine e nostalgia, 1993
13. Bugiardi e traditori, 1994
14. La volontà, 1994
15. L'invidia, 1994
16. La gelosia, 1994
17. Morale e valori, 1995
18. La propaganda, 1995
19. Affetti senza parole, 1995
20. Ridere piangere gridare, 1995
21. La vergogna, 1996
22. Orrore pathos e trauma, 1996
23. Conoscere il carattere, 1996
24. Il crimine del bambino, 1996
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Web Editor: Paolo Migone, M.D.