Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane

Section "Traces. Mummia ridens"

Section editors:
Alberto Merini, M.D., and Paolo Migone, M.D.


This section, founded in 2004 by Pier Francesco Galli, M.D. (1931-2024), includes materials (published or previously unpublished) that try to reconstruct a sort of history of psychology, psychiatry, and psychotherapy, at times with the emotional impact of anecdotes and far from academic historiography. This section follows these three lines: one line is the analysis of the developments of the various psychoanalytic stereotypes and of the way how theory of technique has been transmitted; the second line is the reconstruction of aspects of the Italian history of the field, according to the viewpoint that has always characterized the group of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane; the third line is the publication of classic papers that are still relevant today.

Materials published in this section

4/2004: Pier Francesco Galli, Silvano Arieti comes back to Italy (pp. 505-514) [From: Rita Bruschi (editor), Uno psichiatra tra due culture. Silvano Arieti 1914-1981. Il senso della psicosi. Proceedings of the meeting held in Pisa, Italy, on October 3-4, 1998. Pisa: Edizioni PLUS Università di Pisa, 2001, pp. 183-192]
1/2005: Pier Francesco Galli, A time for words (pp. 97-104) [Opening remarks at the 42nd Meeting of the Italian Psychiatric Association (SIP), Turin, Italy, October 16-21, 2000). In: Società Italiana di Psichiatria (editor), Dal pregiudizio alla cittadinanza: il contributo delle neuroscienze, delle scienze umane e delle politiche sociali alla salute mentale. Proceeding of the 42nd SIP Meeting. Turin: Centro Scientifico Editore, 2001, pp. 478-481]
Michele Ranchetti, The Italians meet Lacan (pp. 104-106)
2/2005: Pier Francesco Galli, Little monsters grow up: psychotherapy schools, CME, illusions of control (pp. 223-224)
Pier Francesco Galli, Psychotherapy training and assessment of the culture of inferiority and submission (pp. 223-229)
[Editorial in Psichiatria e Psicoterapia Analitica, 1999, 18, 2: 106-109]
Pier Francesco Galli, Editorial of issue no. 4/2001 of the Giornale Italiano di Psicologia (pp. 229-231)
Pier Francesco Galli (a cura di), Vicissitudes of clinical psychology in Italy. Documents (1967-69) (pp. 231-242)
3/2005: Pier Francesco Galli, Actuality of Balint? (pp. 389-391)
Michael Balint, The group work (pp. 391-400)
[Paper presented at the Meeting of October 30, 1965, titled "Psychotherapy in Italy", organized by the Milan Group for the Advancement of Psychotherapy (later called Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane)]
Pier Francesco Galli, The helpful relationship:
Clinical practice and theoretical perspectives (pp. 400-410) [Paper presented at the Meeting "The helping relationship: A hope for daily living", Savona, Italy, October 2-4, 2003]
4/2005: Pier Francesco Galli, The dispute at the Milan congress in 1968 of the Italian Psychiatric Association, with notes on the history of the Milan Group for the Advancement of Psychotherapy (pp. 511-519)
Alberto Merini, The Bologna congress in 1975 of the Italian Psychiatric Association, and the "counter-congress" at the Sala Borsa (pp. 520-528) [with photographs]
1/2006: Pier Francesco Galli, The transformation of Italian Community Mental Health Centers' management into institutions operated under the principles of a private company (pp. 87-94) (Abstract)
2/2006: Pier Francesco Galli, Scientific foundations of psychotherapy (pp. 203-220) (Abstract[from: Gruppo Milanese per lo Sviluppo della Psicoterapia (editor), Problemi di psicoterapia. Proceedings of the First Continuing Education Course. Milan, December 11-14, 1962. Milan: Centro Studi di Psicoterapia Clinica, 1962, pp. 69-89]
3/2006: Marianna Bolko & Berthold Rothschild, A "flea in one's ear". An account of the Counter-Congress of the International Psychoanalytic Association of 1969 in Rome (pp. 703-718) [with photographs] (Abstract). Reprint: 3/2015, pp. 431-446
4/2006: Paolo Migone, A memory of Mario Tommasini (pp. 787-789) [go to an expanded version, with photographs]
Franco Rotelli, A neighborhood that has became the world (pp. 790-792) [Introduction to the book by Bruno Rossi Mario Tommasini. Un eretico per amore. Reggio Emilia: Diabasis, 2006]
Michele Smargiassi, Nobody is irrecoverable (p. 793) [from: La Repubblica, April 20, 2006, p. VII of the Bologna edition]
B.V., These are the days (p. 794)
1/2007: Pier Francesco Galli, Old censorships: The episode of L'Arialda by Testori (pp. 77-78) (Abstract)
Pier Francesco Galli, The "expert judgment" on L'Arialda (1961) (pp. 79-81) (see parts of this paper in Corriere della Sera of January 7, 2007)
Dino Messina, The dispute over L'Arialda: Poetry for liberals, obscenity for conformists (pp. 82-84) (see the original version in Corriere della Sera of January 7, 2006)
2/2007: Pier Francesco Galli, David Rapaport's methodological challenge (pp. 229-230) (Abstract)
Pier Francesco Galli, Introduction to the Italian edition of David Rapaport's 1959 essay The Structure of Psychoanalytic Theory. A Systematizing Attempt (1969) (pp. 231-233)
Enzo Codignola & Pier Francesco Galli, Conceptual models and policies of psychoanalytic institutions (1967) (pp. 233-242)
[Introduction to the Italian edition of David Rapaport's 1967 book Il modello concettuale della psicoanalisi. Scritti 1942-1960. Milan: Feltrinelli, 1977, pp. vii-xiv]
3/2007: Marianna Bolko, A kind of psychoanalysts near to extinction (pp. 365-366) (Abstract)
Marianna Bolko, Introduction to Paul Parin's intervention at the "International Seminars of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane" (Bologna, Italy, April 17, 1999) (p. 366-368) 
Paul Parin, Opening remarks of the seminar of April 17, 1999 (pp. 368-371) 
Paul Parin, Brilliants take to flight (1998) (pp. 372-376) 
Ursula Hauser, Marie Langer and Goldy Parin-Matthèy (1998) (pp. 376-380)
4/2007: Pier Francesco Galli, A preface of 1970 (pp. 499-502) (Abstract) [Preface to the Italian edition of Wolfgang Loch's book Premesse e meccanismi del processo psicoanalitico. Turin: Boringhieri, 1970, pp. 1-5 (original edition: Voraussetzungen, Mechanismen und Grenzen des psychoanalytischen Prozesses. Bern: Huber, 1965). This preface, together with the Introductory note  (pp. 54-55) and the Introduction (pp. 55-57) of Loch's book, appeared also in Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1970, IV, 13/14: 53-54]
1/2008: Pier Francesco Galli & Giovanna Gallio, Psychiatric training: A first chapter. Giovanna Gallio holds a conversation-interview with Pier Francesco Galli (1999) (pp. 89-106) (Abstract)
2/2008: Alberto Merini, Psychotherapy training at the University of Bologna Psychiatric Residency: Notes from a history [With an editorial note by P.F. Galli] (pp. 205-218) (Abstract)
3/2008: Pier Francesco Galli & Carla Weber, Clinical issues of the interpersonal relationship in the line of research of Gino Pagliarani. Carla Weber interviews Pier Francesco Galli [With an editorial note by P.F. Galli] (2007) (pp. 395-404) (Abstract) [From: L'educazione sentimentale, 2007, V, 9: 24-32]
4/2008: Pier Francesco Galli, The psyche of reforms [With an editorial note by P.F. Galli] (2007) (pp. 523-534) (Abstract) [Enlarged version of a paper in: Pagine per la riforma, 2007, vol. IV, n. 10/11 (February-September, Part II), pp. 126-132]
1/2009: Pier Francesco Galli, Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic institution in Italy in the 1950s and 1960s. Carlo Viganò interviews Pier Francesco Galli (1984) (pp. 95-104) [With an editorial note] (Abstract) [Original edition: "La psicoanalisi in Italia. Conversazione con Pier Francesco Galli. Parte I: L'istituzione psicoanalitica". Freudiana, 1984, Vol. 4, pp. 109-116 (Parma: Pratiche Editrice)]
2/2009: Interpretation and psychoanalytic frame: The contribution of Enzo Codignola [With an editorial note] (pp. 235-248) (Abstract):
Paolo Migone, Summary of Enzo Codignola's book "The True and the False. Essay on the Logical Structure of Psychoanalytic Interpretation" (Turin: Boringhieri, 1977)
[From: Langs R., editor, The Yearbook of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Vol. 2. New York: Gardner Press, 1987, pp. 326-240]
Alessandro Ancona, Discussion on Enzo Codignola's (1977) book "The True and the False. Essay on the Logical Structure of Psychoanalytic Interpretation" (pp. 240-244)
[From: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1979, XIII, 2: 62-66]
Marianna Bolko, "Discussion on Enzo Codignola's (1977) book The True and the False. Essay on the Logical Structure of Psychoanalytic Interpretation" (pp. 244-246)
[From: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1979, XIII, 2: 66-69]
3/2009: Paul Parin, Critique of society in the interpretative process (pp. 365-380) (Abstract) [Original edition: Gesellschaftskritik im Deutungsprozess. Psyche, 1975, 29, 2: 97-117 (reprinted in: Parin P. & Parin-Matthèy G., Der Widerspruch im Subjekt. Ethnopsychoanalytische Studien. Frankfurt a.M.: Syndikat, 1978, pp. 34-54). From: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1976, X, 1/2: 1-9 (with a discussion by Tullio Aymone, pp. 9-15). This paper is reprinted in memory of  Paul Parin (1916-2009): see the Introductory note on pp. 295-296 of issue no. 3/2009 of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane]
4/2009: Paolo Bozzi, Thirty years of scientific psychology in Italy: From the mid-1950s to the 1980s (1986) [With an editorial note] (pp. 533-544) (Abstract) [From: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1986, XX, 3: 59-73]
1/2010: Paolo Caruso, Interview with Jacques Lacan (1966) [With an Introductory note and an Introduction by Paolo Caruso of 1968] (pp. 77-96) (Abstract) [Interview held in Paris in November 1966, and published in a short version on pp. 11-18 of La Fiera Letteraria of November 16, 1967, in the full version in Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1968, II, 6: 1-10, and reprinted in the book edited by Paolo Caruso Conversazioni con Claude Lévi-Strauss, Michel Foucault, Jacques Lacan. Milan: Mursia, 1969, pp. 133-182 (Spanish translation: Conversaciones con Lévi-Strauss, Foucault y Lacan. Barcelona: Anagrana, 1969, pp. 95-124)]
2/2010: Marianna Bolko, Introduction to the Italian edition of Tilmann Moser’s 1974 book Years of Apprenticeship on the Couch: Fragments of My Psychoanalysis [With an editorial note by Pier Francesco Galli] (pp. 201-205) (Abstract) (Milan: Feltrinelli, 1975, pp. 5-9; original edition: Lehrjahre auf der Couch. Bruchstücke Meiner Psychoanalyse. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1974; English edition: New York: Urizen Books, 1977; with a letter by Heinz Kohut) [Originally in: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1975, IX, 3: 29-30]
3/2010: Gabriele Vezzani, We were reading Gramsci and Marcuse [With an editorial note] (pp. 377-392) (Abstract)
4/2010: Paul Parin, Why psychoanalysts are so reluctant to take position on hot issues of their time. An ethnological perspective [With an editorial note] (pp. 503-514) (Abstract) (original edition: Warum die Psychoanalytiker so ungern zu brennenden Zeitproblemen Stellung nehmen. Eine ethnologische Betrachtung, Psyche, 1978, 32, 5/6: 385-399. Also in: P. Parin, Die Widerspruch im Subjekt. Ethnopsychologische Studien. Frankfurt a.M.: Syndicat, 1978, pp. 7-19; Dahmer H., editor, Analytische Sozialpsychologie. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp, 1980, pp. 647-662; Krovoza A., editor, Politische Psychologie. Ein Arbeitsfeld der Psychoanalyse. Stuttgart: Verlag Internationale Psychoanalyse, 1996, pp. 25-40)
1/2011: Pier Francesco Galli, Psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and psychiatry in the early 1960s. Annotations for a history [With an editorial note] (pp. 75-88) (Abstract) (original edition in the section "Minute" of the journal Il piccolo Hans, 1986, 50 [April-June]: 173-190 [Bari: Dedalo])
Alberto Merini, A reminder for the unconscious. Videotape and psychotherapy [With an editorial note] (pp. 89-94)
(Paper presented at the Meeting "Memory and oblivion", organized in Bologna on March 12-16, 1992, by Leo de Berardinis, and published as Appendix of the book by Alberto Merini Euripilo e Patroclo. Saggio sulle attuali problematiche del rapporto del medico con il paziente. Bologna: CLUEB, 1993, pp. 209-215)
2/2011: Berthold Rothschild, A critique to psychiatry and psychotherapy in Western countries [With an editorial note] (pp. 239-246) (Abstract) (Paper presented at the "First Symposium on Psychotherapy in Socialist Countries" in Erfurt, East Germany [DDR], April 1973, and originally appeared in Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1979, XIII, 3: 1-8)
3/2011: Irma Gleiss, The conservative nature of anti-psychiatry [With an editorial note] (pp. 379-396) (Abstract) (From: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1976, X, 3: 6-15. Original edition: Der konservative Gehalt der Antipsychiatrie. Das Argument. Zeitschrift für Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften, 1975, Year 17, no. 89, no. 1/2 (February): 31-51 (see the monographic issue no. 89/1975 of the journal Das Argument is titled "Konservative Gehalte der Anti-Psychiatrie - Argumente für eine soziale Medizin [VI]")
4/2011: Pier Francesco Galli, The training of psychotherapists [With an editorial note] (pp. 523-532; Discussion: pp. 533-550) (Abstract) (From: Gruppo Milanese per lo Sviluppo della Psicoterapia, editor, Problemi di psicoterapia. Atti del I Corso di aggiornamento [Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica, Milan, December 11-14, 1962]. Milan: Centro Studi di Psicoterapia Clinica, 1962, pp. 153-162 (Discussion: pp. 163-178).
Pier Francesco Galli, Presentation of the book series "Biblioteca di Psichiatria e di Psicologia Clinica" edited by Gaetano Benedetti and Pier Francesco Galli with Feltrinelli publisher of Milan (1959) (pp. 549-550)
1/2012: Scientific rigor in clinical psychology: David Rapaport and his school [With an editorial note] (pp. 87-104) (Abstract):
Pier Francesco Galli, Clinical psychology (pp. 88-89) (From: Bollettino dell'Ordine degli Psicologi dell'Emilia Romagna, 2002, 1: 22-23);
David Rapaport, The psychologist in the clinical setting (pp. 90-94) (Intervention held in 1947 at a Round Table chaired by Samuel J. Beck at Bellevue Hospital of New York titled "The psychologist in the clinical setting", and published in the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1948, 18, 3: 493-497. Also in: The Collected Papers of David Rapaport [Merton M. Gill, editor]. New York: Basic Books, 1967, ch. 24, pp. 299-303);
David Rapaport, Two letters of David Rapaport to Robert R. Holt of December 1951 [With an introductory note by Robert R. Holt] (pp. 94-104).
2/2012: Primary care and Balint groups from the 1970s to the present (pp. 241-248) (Abstract):
Gabriele Vezzani, Introductory note (pp. 241-244);
Gabriele Vezzani, Some remarks on the relationship between primary care and psychotherapy (pp. 244-248) (Shortened version of a paper read at the meeting "Psychiatry and Primary Care", Reggio Emilia, Italy, January 25, 1991. The original version appeared in the Proceedings: Fabrizio Asioli & Gianfranco Contini, editors, Psichiatria e medicina di base. Bologna: CLUEB, 1991, pp. 199-207).
3/2012: "Intellectual Capital" between practice and theory (pp. 403-422):
Pier Francesco Galli, Introductory note (pp. 403-405);
Giulio Sapelli, Preface to a collection of papers by Armando Marchi (pp. 405-408) (Abstract) (Preface to the book by Armando Marchi Il dragomanno e il dilemma del senso. Scritti editi e inediti. Presentation by Guido Maria Barilla. Edited by the team of the Barilla Lab for Knowledge and Innovation. Milan: Guerini & Associates, 2010, pp. 9-13);
Armando Marchi, People: From resource to capital. Open problems on the use value of the theory of Intellectual Capital (pp. 409-415) (Abstract) (From the section "People and organization" of the book by Armando Marchi Il dragomanno e il dilemma del senso. Milan: Guerini & Associates, 2010, pp. 34-43);
Francesco Mattioli, I vent'anni di un binomio impegnativo (Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane 1967-1986) (pp. 416-422) (Abstract) (Published in the monthly journal la Rivisteria, 1987, 10: 30-33, as a review essay of the special issue no. 3/1986 for the 20th Anniversary of the journal Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane)
4/2012: Ferruccio Giacanelli (1930-2012), a protagonist and a witness of the transformation of Italian psychiatry (pp. 569-584) (Abstract):
Pier Francesco Galli, A remembrance (pp. 569-570);
Ferruccio Giacanelli, The Psychiatric Hospital of Colorno in the history of psychiatry of Parma, Italy (pp. 570-583) (Paper read at the meeting "The end of the Psychiatric Hospital of Colorno: Proposals for the future of psychiatry in Parma", Colorno [Parma, Italy], October 25, 1996);
Some contributions by Ferruccio Giacanelli (p. 584)
1/2013: An interview with Michele Ranchetti (pp. 93-118):
Pier Francesco Galli, Introduction (pp. 93-95) (Abstract);
Massimo Cappitti, Interview with Michele Ranchetti (pp. 96-118) (Abstract) (This interview, published five years after Michele Ranchetti' death, was conducted during a series of meetings in his home in Florence between January and March 2005. Some parts of the interview in which Ranchetti makes personal considerations on father Lorenzo Milani, father Ernesto Balducci, David Maria Turoldo and Giuseppe Dossetti have been omitted. Massimo Cappitti disagreed on the decision to omit these parts of the interview)
3/2013: Diego Napolitani, Psychoanalysis and group-analysis [With an editorial note] (pp. 489-494) (Abstract) (From: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1982, XVI, 3: 121-127. paper presented at the Group Analytic Society (GAS) of London, May 17, 1981)
4/2013: In memory of Tito Perlini (pp. 633-656) (Abstract):
Claudio Magris, Tito Perlini, a philosopher who lived until the end of disenchantment. A farewell to the thinker who went beyond Marx, Adorno, and Mann (pp.634-636) (This paper, with the subtitle "In Trieste a lay intellectual who understood the contemporary need for the absolute dies", appeared on p. 44 of Corriere della Sera of September 27, 2013);
Tito Perlini, The sacred and the technique (pp. 636-655) (Reprinted from: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1980, XIV, 3: 1-23);
Some books by Tito Perlini (pp. 655-656); Interventions by Tito Perlini for Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane (p. 656)
1/2014: Silvano Arieti, Gaetano Benedetti, and Christian Müller: The early days of psychotherapy of psychoses in Italy (pp. 73-162):
Pier Francesco Galli, Introduction (pp. 73-75);
Silvano Arieti, Psychodynamics and psychotherapy of schizophrenic psychoses (pp.76-110) (Abstract) (From: Gruppo Milanese per lo Sviluppo della Psicoterapia, editor, Problemi di psicoterapia. Atti del I Corso di aggiornamento. Milan: Centro Studi di Psicoterapia Clinica, 1962: Part One pp. 18-36, Discussion pp. 36-41; Part Two pp. 42-60, Discussion pp. 60-68);
Gaetano Benedetti, Opening presentation: Dialectic polarities in the psychotherapeutic situation (pp. 111-120) (Abstract) (From: Gruppo Milanese per lo Sviluppo della Psicoterapia, editor, La psicoterapia delle psicosi schizofreniche. Atti del II Corso di aggiornamento su problemi di psicoterapia. Milan: Centro Studi di Psicoterapia Clinica, 1963, pp. 5-18);
Christian Müller, Historical overview on psychotherapy of psychoses (pp. 121-144) (Abstract) (From: Gruppo Milanese per lo Sviluppo della Psicoterapia, editor, La psicoterapia delle psicosi schizofreniche. Atti del II Corso di aggiornamento su problemi di psicoterapia. Milan: Centro Studi di Psicoterapia Clinica, 1963, pp. 19-35, Discussion pp. 36-43);
Gaetano Benedetti, Psychodynamics and psychotherapy of paranoid schizophrenia (pp. 144-162) (Abstract) (From: Gruppo Milanese per lo Sviluppo della Psicoterapia, editor, La psicoterapia delle psicosi schizofreniche. Atti del II Corso di aggiornamento su problemi di psicoterapia. Milan: Centro Studi di Psicoterapia Clinica, 1963, pp. 44-59, Discussion pp. 59-67)
2/2014: Family album (pp. 301-328) (Abstract):
Pier Francesco Galli, Introduction (pp. 301-303); Symposium on the relationship between psychology and psychiatry (Centro di Cultura "Maria Immacolata" of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Passo della Mendola [Trento, Italy], September 11-15, 1960. The Proceedings were published in a special issue of the journal Archivio di Psicologia Neurologia e Psichiatria, 1961, XXII, 3/4, and later in the volume edited by Leonardo Ancona Dinamismi mentali normali e patologici. Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 1962), Second day - Round Table: "Team work with psychologists and psychiatrists": Ermenegildo Gastaldi, President's introduction (synthesis) (p. 303);
Cornelio Fazio, Team work in psychiatry (synthesis) (p. 304);
Carlo Petrò, Team work in a Community Mental Health Center (sintesi) (pp. 304-305);
Ottavio Vergani, Team work in child psychiatry (synthesis) (p. 305);
Enzo Spaltro, Psychological aspects of the team as a group (pp. 305-308) (From: Archivio di Psicologia Neurologia e Psichiatria, 1961, XXII, 3/4: 288-292. Also in: Ancona L., editor, Dinamismi mentali normali e patologici. Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 1962, pp. 90-94);
Discussions and rebuttals by Cesare Musatti, Virginio Porta, Ferdinando Barison, Leonardo Ancona, Giuseppe Aschieri, Adamo Mario Fiamberti, Luigi Telatin, Gustavo Iacono, Otto Roser, Felice Riccardo Grattarola, Cornelio Fazio, Carlo Petrò, Enzo Spaltro (pp. 309-321);
Ermenegildo Gastaldi, President's conclusion (synthesis) (p. 321); Program of the "Symposium on the relationship between psychology and psychiatry " (Passo della Mendola [Trento, Italy], September 11-15, 1960) (p. 322)
   Alberto Merini, Community psychiatry and psychotherapy (pp. 324-328)
(Paper read at the First Congress of the Section of the Emilia-Romagna Region of the Società Italiana di Psicoterapia Medica [SIPM], titled "The role of psychotherapy in a changing society", Bologna, Italy, November 9, 2013)
3/2014: December 1962: Group and movements, the narration goes on (pp. 471-492) (Abstract):
Pier Francesco Galli, Introduction (pp. 471-473);
Silvia Montefoschi, The problem of the opposites in Carl Gustav Jung’s Analytical Psychology (pp. 474-484) (Paper read on Dec. 14, 1962, at the First Training Course "Problems of Psychotherapy". In: Gruppo Milanese per lo Sviluppo della Psicoterapia, editor, Problemi di psicoterapia. Atti del I Corso di aggiornamento [Sala del Cenacolo, Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica of Milan, December 11-14, 1962. Contributions by: Gaetano Benedetti; Silvano Arieti; Pier Francesco Galli; Franco Fornari; Ugo Marzuoli; Berta Neumann & Virginio Porta; Mara Selvini Palazzoli; Leonardo Ancona; Tommaso Senise; Silvia Montefoschi; Enzo Spaltro; Fabrizio Napolitani]. Milan: Centro Studi di Psicoterapia Clinica, 1962, pp. 332-348; Discussion: pp. 349-358);
Discussion with interventions by Glauco Carloni, Pier Francesco Galli, Silvia Montefoschi and Mara Selvini Palazzoli (60 interventions) (pp. 484-492).
4/2014: Pier Francesco Galli, The study of psychoanalysis (pp. 661-670) (Abstract) (with excerpts of the "Seminars of advanced metapsychology" held by David Rapaport at the Western New England Institute for Psychoanalysis in 1957, with interventions by David Rapaport, John P. Plunkett, Roy Schafer, Robert B. White, and Virginia Suttenfield);
Marianna Bolko, Zurich 1968: the Burghölzli of the Bleuler. A remembrance (pp. 671-674) (Abstract).
1/2015: Re-construction. The fate of mental health, today (pp. 95-124) (Abstract):
Pier Francesco Galli, Introduction (pp. 95-97).
Birth of the movement against psychiatric hospitals in Umbria (Italy) (pp. 98-125) [Title of the book by Ferruccio Giacanelli, published as the first volume of the series "For a History of Psychiatric Reform in the Italian Region Umbria (Italy)" - Studies and Materials on Anthropology of Health (SMAS)", by Ferruccio Giacanelli (1930-2012). Perugia (Italy): Fondazione Angelo Celli per una Cultura della Salute, 2014 (Selci-Lama [Perugia]: Pliniana)]:
"Overall introduction", by Tullio Seppilli (pp. 15-24, here on pp. 98-105);
"Premise", by Ferruccio Giacanelli (pp. 27-30, here in pp. 106-108);
Attachment 7 of Appendix B, titled "Reasons and developments of the great movement against psychiatric hospitals", by Ferruccio Giacanelli (pp. 221-231, here on pp. 109-117);
"Presentation" of the book by the editors (Carla Nocentini, Francesco Scotti & Tullio Seppilli) (pp. 9-13, here on pp. 118-122);
Table of contents (pp. 5-7, here on pp. 122-123);
List of some publications by Ferruccio Giacanelli on psychiatry, history, and sociocultural anthropology (pp. 237-238, here on pp. 124-125).
2/2015: Remembering Franco Fornari, 1921-1985 (pp. 241-304) (Abstract): "Martin Buber's influence on modern psychiatric thought": Round Table chaired by Franco Fornari, with Pier Francesco Galli, Virgilio Melchiorre, Mara Selvini Palazzoli, and Enzo Spaltro; Interventions by Leonardo Ancona, Enzo Codignola, Gianfranco Garavaglia, and Silvia Montefoschi (pp. 241-298) [Round Table held in the evening session of Thursday December 13, 1962, at the First Training Course organized by the "Milan Group for the Advancement of Psychotherapy" in Milan on December 11-14, 1962, and published in the Proceedings in: Gruppo Milanese per lo Sviluppo della Psicoterapia (editor), Problemi di psicoterapia. Atti del I Corso di aggiornamento (contributi di G. Benedetti, S. Arieti, P.F. Galli, F. Fornari, U. Marzuoli, B. Neumann & V. Porta, M. Selvini Palazzoli, L. Ancona, T. Senise, S. Montefoschi, E. Spaltro, F. Napolitani). Milan: Centro Studi di Psicoterapia Clinica, 1962, pp. 284-309].
Pier Francesco Galli, Postscript (pp. 299-304).
3/2015: Education and miseducation in psychoanalysis (pp. 413-446):
Pier Francesco Galli, Introduction (p. 413);
Pier Francesco Galli, From Basle to Milan to Zurich: On psychoanalytic training (A Letter to the Editor of the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 2013, 94, 6: 1209-1214) (pp. 414-419) [This Letter is a rebuttal to a "Letter from Basle" by Dieter Bürgin published on pp. 1351-1356 of issue no. 6/2012 of The International Journal of Psychoanalysis];
Editorial Board of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, History of a "cancelled congress" [with an Introductory Note] (pp. 420-430) [From: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1975, 9, 4: 25-31 (part of an article, authored by the Editorial Board, titled "Psychoanalysis and psychoanalysts", pp. 20-31)];
Marianna Bolko & Berthold Rothschild, A "flea in one's ear". History of the counter-congress of the International Psychoanalytic Association of Rome in 1969 (pp. 431-446) [From: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 2006, XL, 3: 703-718 (English translation in: Trauma and Memory, 2015, 3, 1: 13-26)].
4/2015: Luigi Antonello Armando, An almost forgotten episode of the history of psychoanalysis in Italy (1969-1976). [with an Editorial note] (pp. 629-644) (Abstract)
1/2016: Movements in psychoanalysis (pp. 111-120) (Abstract):
Pier Francesco Galli, Introduction (pp. 111-112);
Editorial board of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, Psychoananlysis and psychoanalysts (pp. 113-120) [with an intervention of 1969 by Marianna Bolko (pp. 118-119)] [From: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1975, IX, 4: 20-24. The original german edition appeared on pp. 2-35 (discussion: pp. 36-60) of issue no. 1/1974 of Arbeitspapiere zur Psychoanalyse, titled "Intellektuelle und Klassenkampf am Beispiel der Psychoanalyse", edited by the "Psychoanalytic Seminar Zurich" (Psychoanalytische Seminar Zürich [PSZ])]
2/2016: A project and a journey (pp. 275-302):
Pier Francesco Galli, Introduction (pp. 275-276);
Pier Francesco Galli, The physician as a person in the therapeutic situation (pp. 277-282) (Abstract) [Paper presented at the 14th National Meeting of Italian Psychologists (Naples, Italy, September 27-October 3, 1962). In: Società Italiana di Psicologia Scientifica (editor), Atti del XIV Congresso Nazionale degli Psicologi Italiani. Florence: Barbera, 1965. Also in: Gruppo Milanese per lo Sviluppo della Psicoterapia (editor), La psicoterapia in Italia. La formazione degli psichiatri. Atti delle giornate di studio del 30-10-1965 e del 11-12-1966. Milan: Centro Studi di Psicoterapia Clinica, 1967, pp. 151-156];
Pier Francesco Galli, Influence of social factors in neurotic psychopathology (pp. 283-288) (Abstract) [Paper presented at the 7th International Congress of Psychotherapy (Wiesbaden, August 21-26, 1967), published in German in: Theodor Spoerri & Walter Theodor Winkler, editors, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of Psychotherapy. Wiesbaden, August 21-26, 1967. Basel: Karger, 1969 (6 volumes: Part I: Psychotherapy, Prevention and Rehabilitation; Part II: Community Psychiatry, Therapeutic Community; Part III: Herzinfarkt und andere psychsomatische Störungen; Part IV: Familienforschung; Part V: Rehabilitation; Part VI: The Student and Neurosis)];
In memory of Sergio Erba (with an Introductory Note by Paolo Migone, p. 289): Sergio Erba, A group, a thought, a method: Reflections on the history of Il Ruolo Terapeutico of Milan (pp. 289-302) [Reprinted from: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 2006, XL, 3: 677-690]
4/2016: A project and a journey (A continuation) (pp. 715-750) (Abstract):
Pier Francesco Galli, Premise (pp. 715-716);
Meeting on "The training of psychiatrists" (Milan, December 11, 1966):
Gaetano Benedetti, Introductory remerks (pp.716-720);
Christian Müller, The training of psychiatrists in Switzerland [abstracted] (pp. 720-721);
Johannes Cremerius, The training of psychiatrists in Germany [abstracted] (pp. 721-722);
Milan Group for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, he training of psychiatrists in the Italian situation (pp. 723-731);
Discussion with interventioins by Giorgio Abraham, Leonardo Ancona, Mario Barucci, Franco Fornari, Pier Francesco Galli, Gianfranco Garavaglia, Angelo Majorana, Giuseppe Mastrangelo, Corrado Montanari, Diego Napolitani, Virginio Porta (pp. 732-750)
[From: Gruppo Milanese per lo Sviluppo della Psicoterapia, editor, La psicoterapia in Italia. La formazione degli psichiatri. Atti delle giornate di studio del 30-10-1965 e del 11-12-1966. Milan: Centro Studi di Psicoterapia Clinica, 1967, pp. 57-81 e 101-115 (Discussion: pp. 116-136)]
1/2017: Sondrio 1967: From the project to its actualization (pp. 95-118) [with an Editorial note, p. 95] (Abstract): Bianca Ceresara Declich, 1967: The Psychiatric Hospital of Sondrio (Italy) becomes a Teaching Hospital (pp. 96-118) [From: Istituto Sondriese per la Storia della Resistenza e dell'Età Contemporanea (ISSREC), editor, Scorci del Novecento in Valtellina. Donne uomini istituzioni (Monograph no. 11/12). Presentation by Bianca Ceresara Declich. Sondrio: ISSREC, 2014, pp. 103-130)]
2/2017: The psychotherapeutic encounter. A Round Table of 1964 with Gaetano Benedetti, Medard Boss, and Eugène Minkowski (pp. 267-284) [with an Editorial note, p. 267] (Abstract) [This Round Table, which was previously unpublished, was organized on May 1, 1964, by the "Milan Group for the Advancement of Psychotherapy" (which in the 1970s took the name of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane) within the "Fourth Training Course on Problems of Psychotherapy", titled "Theoretical issues and clinical cases" (Milan, May 1-4, 1964). Also Gustav Bally was supposed to participate to this Round Table, but he couldn't come because of a physical illness. The other papers in this Fourth Training Course were by Silvano Arieti, Romano Antonelli, Medard Boss, Gaetano Benedetti, Franco Fornari, Pier Francesco Galli, Eugène Minkowski, Diego Napolitani e Mara Selvini Palazzoli, with pre-planned interventions by Leonardo Ancona, Piero Bellanova, Renato Cantoni, Enzo Codignola, Luigi Frighi, Giampaolo Lai, Silvia Montefoschi Mario Moreno, Tommaso Senise, and Gian Franco Tedeschi]
3/2017: Psychiatry and the university: The challenge of community psychiatry (1978) (pp. 429-446) [with an Editorial note, p. 429] (Abstract):
Alberto Merini, Introductory note (pp. 430-434);
Carlo Gentili
, Introduction to the Meeting (pp. 435-437);
Alberto Merini, Training and community psychiatry: Reflections on four years of experience (pp. 437-446)
[an introduction by Alberto Merini, the papers read by Carlo Gentili and Alberto Merini at the meeting “Psychiatry and the community: Problems of training of mental health professionals” (Milan, Italy, May 6-7, 1978) are published (at the time Carlo Gentili and Alberto Merini were, respectively, Director and Assistant of the Department of Psychiatry of the University of Bologna, Italy). This meeting, which was organized by the Department of Psychiatry (directed by Professor Carlo Lorenzo Cazzullo) and the Second Chair of Psychiatry (held by Professor Gaetano Penati) of the University of Milan, and sponsored by the Province of Milan, was the first meeting on training of community mental health professionals, few days before the approval of the Italian Law no. 180/1978 on psychiatric reform]
4/2017: "...The like of it now happens" (pp. 591-608) (Abstract):
Pier Francesco Galli, Introduction (pp. 591-592);
An interview by Ettore Perrella to Pier Francesco Galli [on the history of the Italian Law no. 56/1989 on the institution of the National Board of Psychology and the regulation of psychotherapy] (pp. 592-608)
[From: Ettore Perrella, editor, Professione psicoanalisi. La psicoanalisi in Italia e il pasticcio giuridico sulle psicoterapie. Preface by Luciana La Stella. Rome: Aracne, 2014, pp. 23-44. Contributions by Mario Binasco, Rolando Ciofi, Giacomo B. Contri, Pier Francesco Galli, Mariella Gramaglia, Romano Màdera, Andrea Menconi, Davide Natta, Ettore Perrella, Giancarlo Ricci, Giovanni Sias, Massimiliano Tosolini, Orfeo Verdicchio]
1/2018: Marianna Bolko & Alberto Merini, Dreams and telepathy. Continuity and discontinuity in psychoanalytic research [with an Editorial note, p. 99] (pp. 100-114) (Abstract) [From: Marino Bosinelli & PierCarla Cicogna (editors), Sogni: figli di un cervello ozioso. Tutin: Bollati Boringhieri, 1991, ch. 10, pp. 129-148]
2/2018: Enzo Codignola, A note on object relations and ego formation [with an Editorial note, p. 291] (pp. 291-298) (Abstract) [Presentation of the Italian edition of Arnold H. Modell's book Object Love and Reality. An Introduction to a Psychoanalytic Theory of Object Relations. New York: International Universities Press, 1968 (Amore oggettuale e realtà. Teoria psicoanalitica delle relazioni oggettuali. Turin: Boringhieri, 1975, pp. ix-xvi), pubblished also, with the title "Nota sulla relazione d'oggetto e la costituzione dell'Io", in: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1975, IX, 1: 1-3]
3/2018: In the form of a narration... Stories and people (pp. 449-464) (Abstract):
Pier Francesco Galli, Introductory note (pp. 450-451);
Pier Francesco Galli, Preface to the Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of Psychotherapy(Milan, Italy, August 25-29, 1970) (pp. 452-458) [From: Pier Francesco Galli, editor, Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane. Atti dell'VIII Congresso Internazionale di Psicoterapia (Milan, August 25-29, 1970). Milan: Feltrinelli, 1973, pp. VII-XIII];
Appendix: Excerpts from the preface by Martti Siirala to the 1971 Italian edition of his 1964 book Medicine in Metamorphosis. Speech, Presence, and Integration (pp. 459-464) [Milan: Feltrinelli, 1971, pp. 7-8 e 17-19]
4/2018: Andrea Huppke, International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies (IFPS) 1960-1985: A new home for international and German psychoanalysis? [with an Editorial note, p. 587] (pp. 587-600) (Abstract) [Opening paper at the XX Forum of the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies (IFPS), Florence, October 17-20, 2018. This paper will appear in 2019 in English in the International Forum of Psychoanalysis, together with the discussion that occurred at the meeting] ;
Paolo Migone, Reflections on Daniel N. Stern's line of research [with an Editorial note, p. 601] (pp. 601-608), with a comment by Giovanni Liotti (pp. 609-614) [Originally these texts were two e-mails sent on April 21, 2002, within the post-congress debate of the First National Congress of the Italian section of the Society for the Exploration of Psycotherapy Integration (SEPI), Milan, March 16, 2002 (see also the pre-congress debate). A the pre-congress and the post-congress debates several colleagues intervened, among them Giorgio G. Alberti, Sergio Benvenuto, Tullio Carere-Comes, Giovanni Liotti, Paolo Migone, Diego Napolitani, Fausto Petrella, and Mario Rossi Monti. This text was later published also in the journal Il Ruolo Terapeutico (2003, 92: 54-62), and some interventions by Tullio Carere-Comes and Paolo Migone appeared in the following issue (2003, 93: 50-55)]
1/2019: Pier Francesco Galli, Prisoners of the past within today’s clinical practice [with an Editorial note by Pier Francesco Galli, p. 94] (pp. 93-106) (Abstract) [Plenary lecture at the Meeting "The Dictatorship of the Present. The Individual Uneasiness Related to the Changing Parameters in Orienting Ourselves in Current Realty", held at the Milan Istitute of the Italian Center for Analytical Psychology (CIPA) at the Federazione delle Associazioni Scientifiche e Tecniche (FAST), Piazzale Morandi 2, Milan, Italy, on March 21-22, 2009]
2/2019: Traces in the present (pp. 299-308) (Abstract):
Pier Francesco Galli, Introduction (p. 300);
Alessandro Ancona, Notes on psychiatry: Theory and practice
[Excerpts of the article published in: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1976, 10, 3: 1-6] (pp. 301-307);
Gian Franco Minguzzi, Excerpts from the resignation letter from Secretary-General of Psichiatria Democratica (p. 308)
[Excerpts of the resignation letter from Secretary-General of the Italian movement of Psichiatria Democratica ("Democratic Psychiatry") written by Gian Franco Minguzzi (1927-1987) on October 28, 1977, and sent to the members of the National Committee and the local sections of Psichiatria Democratica]
3/2019: Logics of prediction (pp. 461-480) (Abstract):
Pier Francesco Galli, Editorial note (p. 462);
Daniel Kahneman, Memories of a summer with David Rapaport in 1960, and possible sequelae (pp. 463-467); Discussion with interventions by Wilma Bucci, Mauricio Cortina, Gerhard W. Dammann, Diana D. Diamond, Morris N. Eagle, Kenneth A. Frank, Daniel Kahneman, Danielle Knafo, Frank M. Lachmann, Joseph D. Lichtenberg, Paul Lippmann, Everett Waters, David L. Wolitzky, Rachel A. Wolitzky (pp. 468-480)
[Seminar held  at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Rapaport-Klein Study Group (Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, Massachusetts, June 7-9, 2019). The audio-recording and the transcript in English (edited by Everett Waters and Paolo Migone) and an introduction by Morris Eagle to Daniel Kahneman are at the web site]
4/2019: Again on training, and on the difference between being serious and being staid. Presentation of Sebastiano A. Tilli’s book “Beyond the Cure Principle. Reflections on Treatment, Psychoanalysis, and Analytic Training” [with an Introductory note by Pier Francesco Galli, p. 646] (pp. 645-648) (Abstract) [Sebastiano A. Tilli, Al di là del principio di guarire. Riflessioni sulla cura, la psicoanalisi, la formazione analitica. Presentazione di Pier Francesco Galli. Nota di commento al testo di Silvana Caluori. Pisa: ETS, 2001, pp. 7-10]
1/2020: Pier Francesco Galli, Tales of war. Psychoanalysis, mental health and institutional practices, yesterday and today, in Italy [with an Introduction, pp. 80-81] (pp. 79-106) (Abstract) [Chapter 1 of the book edited by Paola Cuniberti & Luigi Caparrotta Psicoanalisi in trincea. Esperienze, pratica clinica e nuove frontiere in Italia e nel Regno Unito. Preface by Augusto Romano. Milan: FrancoAngeli, 2012, pp. 35-57]
2/2020: Aurel Kolnai, Psychoanalysis and Sociology (1920): chapters 2, 3, and 4 [with an introduction by Pier Francesco Galli, pp. 256-259] (pp. 255-280) [The first chapter (pp. 5-13) of the book by Aurel Kolnai, Psychoanalyse und Soziologie. Zur Psychologie von Masse und Gesellschaft (Wien: Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag, 1920. Internationale Psychoanalytische Bibliothek, no. 9), titled "Psychoanalysis and sociology", was published on pp. 12-15 of the previous issue (no. 1/2020) of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, with on pp. 9-11 an Introduction by Paolo Migone and Ulrich Wienand. Here the second (pp. 14-26), third (pp. 27-36), and fourth chapter (pp. 37-70), translated by Ulrich Wienand, are published. These four chapters (pp. 3-70) are the first part of the book, titled "Sociological results of psychonalysis", while the second part, which is titled "Sociological tasks of psychoanalysis" (pp. 71-152) and includes two chapters ("General considerations", pp. 73-87, and "Attempt at the psychoanalysis of anarchist communism", pp. 88-152), here is not translated. Also an English translation by Eden and Cedar Paul (Psychoanalysis and Sociology. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1922) is available, and it is on-line both as PDF and as text]
3/2020: Marianna Bolko & Alberto Merini, The frame of psychoanalytic therapy [with an editorial note, p. 448] (pp. 447-470) (Abstract) [From: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1988, XXII, 2: 3-21. Other versions in: Franco Del Corno & Margherita Lang, editors, Psicologia clinica. Vol. 4: Trattamenti in setting individuale. Milan: FrancoAngeli, 1989, chapter 2, pp. 53-67 (Second Edition: 1999, pp. 94-118); Alberto Merini, Nave senza cocchiere in gran tempesta: uno psichiatra nella pratica quotidiana. Bologna: CLUEB, 2004, cap. 5, pp. 73-96]
4/2020: Alberto Merini, Introduction to "A country psychiatrist" by Margherita Galeotti (pp. 619-324) (Abstract); Margherita Galeotti, A country psychiatrist (pp. 625-646) [Pre-publication of excerpts of some chapters of a forthcoming book by Margherita Galeotti entitled Una psichiatra di campagna ("A country psychiatrist"), namely chapters 7 ("New York"), 17 ("Scandiano"), 18 ("The Support Center"), 26 ("The transition to the new residential facility"), 27 ("The group on subjectivity"), and 28 ("“The Cybercafé")]
1/2021: Pier Francesco Galli, Stories and people (pp. 143-146) (Abstract) [Reprint of some parts of a seminar held on May 30, 1992, at the psychotherapy school Il Ruolo Terapeutico of Milan (Italy), published in 1996 with the title La persona e la tecnica. Appunti sulla pratica clinica e la costruzione della teoria psicoanalitica [The Person and the Technique: Notes on the Technique and the Construc-tion of Psychoanalytic Theory]. Revised and expanded edition: Milan: FrancoAngeli, 2002 (pp. 50-53 of the 1996 edition, and pp. 47-50 of the 2002 edition)]
2/2021: Paolo Migone, On-line psychotherapy (pp. 275-292) (Abstract) [Updated version of a paper written in the 1990s and then published, with the title "La psicoterapia con Internet", in issue no. 4/2003 of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, of which later various versions were published in different journals]
3/2021: Johannes Cremerius, Training analysis and power: The transformation of a method of training and learning into an instrument of power in institutionalized psychoanalysis (pp. 487-508) (Abstract) [From: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1989, 23, 3: 4-27. Expanded version of the paper read on June 3, 1988, at the Third Meetng of the "International Psychoanalytic Network" [Internationale Psychoanalytische Vernetzung], Milan, July 3-4, 1988. Translation by Marco Conci. German edition: Lehranalyse und Macht. Forum der Psychoanalyse, 1989, 5: 190-208. English translation: Free Associations, 1990, 20: 114-138. We thank Marco Conci and Giorgio Meneguz for having given us the original German version of this paper, corrected by Cremerius, and for the editing on the basis of the both the German and English editions; on p. 201 of the German edition Cremerius had inserted a page with a new part that here has been added on p. 500 between square parentheses, translated by Marco Conci]
4/2021: Pier Francesco Galli, Preconscious and creativity (pp. 647-652) (Abstract) [Introduction to the book by David Rapaport, Ernst Kris, Peter B. Neubauer, Harold P. Blum & Pinchas Noy, Preconscio e creatività. Edited and introduced by Pier Francesco Galli. Turin: Einaudi, 1999, pp. VII-XI (book series “Tracce dalla psicoanalisi”)]
1/2022: Are idiots still useful? (pp. 107-130):
Pier Francesco Galli, Introductory note
(pp. 107-109);
Paul Parin, Goldy Parin-Matthèy, Psychoanalysis and power: Introduction to the discussion (Abstract)
[Presentation, entitled "Psychoanalyse und Macht: Einleitung einer Diskussion", read at the Third Meeting of the "International Psychoanalytic Network" (Internationale Psychoanalytische Vernetzung) entitled "Are idiots stuill useful?", Palazzo delle Stelline, Milan, June 3-4, 1988. Translation by Marco Conci. This paper was later published in German in the monthly journal Merkur. Deutsche Zeitschrift für europäisches Denken, 1988, 475/476, 42, 9/10: 867-872] (pp. 110-118);
Berthold Rothschild, Introduction to the problem of idiots (Abstract)
[Presentation, entitled "Einführung in die Idiotenproblematik", read at the Third Meeting of the "International Psychoanalytic Network" (Internationale Psychoanalytische Vernetzung) entitled "Are idiots stuill useful?", Palazzo delle Stelline, Milan, June 3-4, 1988. Translation by Marco Conci. This paper was later published in the journal fo the "Psychoanalytic Seminar Zurich" (Psychoanalytisches Seminar Zürich [PSZ]), Journal für Psychoanalyse, 1988, 18: 3-10, in a special issue dedicated to the meeting, entitled Vernetzungstagung 1988, Mailand 4./5. Juni "Sind die Idioten noch nützlich? (Psychoana-lyse und Macht)"] (pp. 119-130)
2/2022: Paul Parin, Lies in times of peace. Attempt of a psychoanalytic and ethnological critique of "human rights" (pp. 273-292) (Abstract) [From: Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 1999, 33, 2: 5-30. Original edition: Lügen in Zeiten des Friedens. Versuch einer psychoanalytischen und ethnologischen Kritik der "Menschenrechte". In: Trin Haland-Wirth, Norbert Spangenberg & Hans-Jürgen Wirth, editors, Unbequem und engagiert. Horst-Eberhard Richter zum 75. Geburtstag. Giessen: Psychosozial Verlag, 1998, pp. 348-372. Also in: Paul Parin, Die Sucht nach Macht. Psychoanalytische Sozialpsychologie und Politikwissenschaft. Schriften 1998-2009 (Werkausgabe [Writings by Paul Parin. Edited by Johannes and Michael Reichmayr], Volume 15). Introduction by Karl Fallend. Edited and annotated by Johannes Reichmayr. Wien: Mandelbaum, 2022, pp. xx-xx. This text was read at a debate, chaired by Fred Dickermann and entitled "Psychological traumas and human rights in the ex-Jugoslavia", held on Octeber 10, 1997, at the ORF-Theater of Klagenfurt (Austria) with Muhidin Šarić (author of the 1993 book Keraterm. Erinnerungen aus einem serbischen Lager ["Keraterm. memories fron a Serbian concentration camp"]. Preface by Paul Parin [pp. 7-9; also in Werkausgabe, Volume 15, p. 292-293]. Klagenfurt: Drava Verlag, 1994). Translation by Giovanna Cestone]
3/2022: Pier Francesco Galli, The logic of psychoanalytic interpretation (1964) (pp. 480-490) [With an Introduction by Pier Francesco Galli, pp. 477-480] (Abstract) [Transcription, in a summarized form, of the talk, followed by a discussion, held on May 1, 1964, at the Fourth Training Course of the Milan Group for the Advancement of Psychotherapy, entitled "Theoretical problems and clinical cases", held at the Sala del Cenacolo of the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnica, Piazza San Vittore 21, Milan, may 1-4, 1964. The papers at this course were by Silvano Arieti, Romano Antonelli, Gustav Bally, Medard Boss, Gaetano Benedetti, Franco Fornari, Pier Francesco Galli, Eugène Minkowski, Diego Napolitani, Mara Selvini Palazzoli; interventions by Leonardo Ancona, Piero Bellanova, Renato Cantoni, Enzo Codignola, Luigi Frighi, Giampaolo Lai, Silvia Montefoschi, Mario Moreno, Tommaso Senise, Gian Franco Tedeschi (the round table "L'incontro in psicoterapia" of May 1, 1964, with Gaetano Benedetti, Medard Boss, and Eugène Minkowski, was published in the section "Traces" on pp. 267-284 of issue no. 2/2017 of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane)]
4/2022: Pier Francesco Galli, Ten years of groups in Italy (pp. 613-624) [with an Introductory note by Pier Francesco Galli, pp. 614-615] (Abstract[Paper read at the meeting entitled "Ten years of groups in Italy", organized by Enzo Spaltro in May 1970 at the Associazione per la Psicologia Italiana del Lavoro (APIL) ("Italian Association of Work Psychology"), Via Sant'Agnese 18, Milan, Italy]
1/2023: Pier Francesco Galli, The "as if" personality in uniform (pp. 129-142) [with an Introductory note by Pier Francesco Galli, p. 130] (Abstract[Original edition in: Pagine per "RSI, 1943-1945, Giornata della Memoria 2009", 2008, V, 12/13 (October-December), 2: 50-57]
2/2023: Pier Francesco Galli, The sense of measure (pp. 305-314) (Abstract) [with an Introductory note by Pier Francesco Galli, p. 306] [Editorial published in Psicoanalisi e dintorni (Bullettin of OPIFeR), 2021, 1, 1: 9-13]
3/2023: Paolo Migone, How to handle the multiplicity of psychotherapy models (pp. 479-500) (Abstract) [with an Editorial Note, p. 480] [A previous version of this paper, entitled "Il problema della molteplicità dei modelli in psicoterapia", was presented as plenary address of the Fifth Meeting of the Federazione Italiana delle Associazioni di Psicoterapia (FIAP) "La psicoterapia nel villaggio globale" (Sapienza University of Rome, November 9-10, 2012), and was later published, in different versions, in the journals  Grounding (2013, 8, 1: 37-61) and Il Ruolo Terapeutico (2013, 124: 61-77)]
4/2023: Pier Francesco Galli, Introduction to the Italian edition of Lawrence Friedman's 1988 book The Anatomy of Psychotherapy (1993) (pp. 655-658) (Abstract) [with an Editorial Note, p. 656] [Introduction to the Italian edition of Lawrence Friedman's 1988 book Anatomia della psicoterapia. Turin: Bollati Boringhieri, 1993, pp. XIII-XV (original edition: The Anatomy of Psychotherapy. Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press, 1988)]
1/2024: Pier Francesco Galli, Minor therapeutic work (pp. 119-122) (Abstract): Introduction (p. 120); Pasta and potatoes (p. 121); Presentation of the column "Minuzzaglie" (p. 122) [Original edition in: Psicoanalisi e dintorni (Bulletin of OPIFeR), 2022, II, 1: 10-11]
2/2024: Paolo Migone, A case of hysterical paralysis of the legs treated with hypnosis (pp. 315-326) (2018) (Abstract) [with an Editorial Note by Pier Francesco Galli, p. 316]
3/2024: Pier Francesco Galli, Minor anecdotal in Italian psychiatry (pp. 499-500) (Abstract) [with an Editorial Note, p. 500]
4/2024: Luciano Mecacci, Paolo Rossi, Paolo Rossi, historian of philosophy, and his interests in psychology and psychoanalysis (pp. 615-622) (Abstract)
1/2025: Michele Ranchetti, Metapsychology and metaphysics (pp. 111-124) [with an Introductory note by Mauro Bertani and Roberto Righi, pp. 112-116] [From: Michele Ranchetti, Scritti diversi. IV: Ulteriori e ultimi. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2010, pp. 237-246. A previous version of this text , entitled "Freud: Metapsychology 1915-1917. The construction of psychoanalysis and its context", was presentated at the "International Seminars of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane", Bologna, May 20, 2006]

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Web Editor: Paolo Migone, M.D.