Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane

Section "Book Reviews"

edited by Andrea Castiello d'Antonio, Ph.D., Davide Cavagna, Ph.D., Mauro Fornaro, Ph.D., Emanuela Leuci, M.D., and Silvia Marchesini, Ph.D. Senior editor: Antonella Mancini, Ph.D.

Silvia Marchesini
Via Bachelet, 9
43123 Parma PR, Italy
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Books reviewes have to be previously agreed upon with the editors. The "Book reviews" section has four parts: Book review essay, Book reviews, Forgotten Books, Books received:

- Book review essay: The aim is to give a general view of the "state of the art" of a given topic or author, which is a target of current discussion in the field, starting from one or more books (possibly recently published). The maximum number of characters (spaces included) is about 15,000-20,000. A maximum of about 3-5 references are allowed at the end of the book review essay. The general criteria are the the following: description of the book's topic and of the author, with a synthesis of the book's main argument and the type of readers that may be interested in it, and with an emphasis on a critical reading of the text, personal opinions of the book review's author, confrontations with other books on the same topic, the meaning of the book within the scientific, professional, and cultural context. The general criteria are the same of  book reviews, with the difference that a book review essay is more wide-ranging, being in effect a brief essay dealing with historical and critical issues, emphasizing general problems rather than the specific book(s) under review.

- Book reviews: The aim is to critically evaluate a book which has been recently published (exceptions have to be discussed with the editors). The maximum number of characters (spaces included) is about 3,000-10,000. The general criteria are the same of  book review essays, with the difference that a book review essay is more wide-ranging, being in effect a brief essay dealing with historical and critical issues, emphasizing general problems rather than the specific book(s) under review. References are permitted but in limited number and must remain within the text. Footnotes are not allowed.

- Forgotten books: In this section there are books that, beyond having an historical value, continue to simulate interest for the discipline today.

- Books received: These books are sent by publishers and authors, and are listed at the end of the "Book reviews" section. Books have to be sent to the reviewers in agreement with the editors, who have to be previously contacted.


Book reviews and book notices published also on the Internet

Antonella Mancini, Scheda del libro a cura di Mauro Mariotti, Fabio Bassoli e Roberta Frison, Manuale di psicoterapia sistemica e relazionale. Introduzione di Carlos E. Sluzky. Allegato DVD con interviste di R. Frison e C. Ingrami a Lorenzo Calvi, Alfredo Civita, Gianfranco Cecchin, Pier Francesco Galli, Paolo Migone, Michele Ranchetti, Antonio Semerari. Padova: Edizioni Sapere, 2004 (Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 2005, XXXIX, 2: 267-268)

Luigi Antonello Armando, Book review essay on: Massimo Fagioli, Lezioni 2002. Rome: Nuove Edizioni Romane, 2006 (Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 2007, XLI, 1: 91-110)

Antonella Mancini, Book review of: Carlo Bonomi, Sulla soglia della psicoanalisi. Freud e la follia infantile. Turin: Bollati Boringhieri, 2007 (Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 2007, XLI, 4: 515-518)

Gianni Guasto, Book review of: André E. Haynal, Uno psicoanalista fuori dell'ordinario. La scomparsa e la rinascita di Sándor Ferenczi. Turin: Centro Scientifico Editore, 2007 (original edition: Disappearing and Reviving: Sándor Ferenczi in the History of Psychoanalysis. London: Karnac, 2002) (Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 2008, XLII, 2: 245-248)

Gianni Guasto, Book review of: Clara Mucci, Il dolore estremo. Il trauma da Freud alla Shoah. Foreword by Otto F. Kernberg. Rome: Borla, 2008 (Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 2009, XLIII, 3: 414-417)

Davide Cavagna, Book notice of: Michele M. Lualdi, Passando da Stekel. Edizione critica dell’Autobiografia di Wilhelm Stekel. Tricase (Lecce): Youcanprint, 2015 (Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 2016, L, 2: 325-326)

Mauro Fornaro, Book notice of: Silvia Bonino, Amori molesti. Natura e cultura nella violenza di coppia. Bari: Laterza, 2015 (Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 2016, L, 2: 327-328)

Antonella Mancini, Book review of: Rita Bruschi & Gregorio De Paola, Giuseppe Conte. Il carattere di una politica. Pisa: ETS, 2021 (Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 2021, 55, 3: 519-522)

Paolo Migone, Book review of: Francesco Scotti, Nascita ed evoluzione di una psichiatria di comunità in Umbria. Perugia: Fondazione Alessandro e Tullio Seppilli, 2021 (Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, 2022, 56, 3: 511-513)

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Web Editor: Paolo Migone, M.D.