Versione italiana Go to: Contacts Subscriptions Instructions for Authors Instructions for Peer Reviewers Code of Ethics Sections: Traces, Clinical cases, Book reviews, Journals, Classics Presentation and History of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane "International Seminars" Training Programs Press Review YouTube Channel Contents of all volumes PEP Web Articles on the Internet Crowdfunding Documents and links Book series: Feltrinelli, Bollati Boringhieri, Einaudi
"Psychotherapy and the Human Sciences"
journal founded in 1967 by Pier Francesco Galli, M.D. (1931-2024), in collaboration with the "Milan Group for the Advancement of
Psychotherapy", Italy, active
since 1960; since 1970 this group has been renamed Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane (ISSN 0394-2864,
eISSN 1972-5043)
On Saturday, November 9, 2024, the day which would have been Pier Francesco Galli's 93rd birthday, we met at the Cinema Modernissimo, of Bologna's Cineteca, in Piazza Re Enzo (near the Main Square), from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm. We saw Francesco Merini's movie I settant'anni di un maestro ("The Seventy Years of a Master") that was given to Galli as a present for his 70th birthday. The historian and economist Giulio Sapelli (Emeritus Professor at the University of Milan), who was a close friend of Galli, intervened (see the brochure, the November 2024 program of Cinema Modernissimo, and the video of the meeting)
On July 15, 2024. Pier Francesco Galli, founder of the journal Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, died
Some articles in journals or magazines in chronological order: la Repubblica, Corriere della Sera,, State of Mind, Corriere della Sera edizione di Bologna, Vaso di Pandora, Centro Milanese di Terapia della Famiglia, Scuola di Psicoterapia Psicoanalitica, Doppiozero, Società Amici del Pensiero, Società di Psicoanalisi Critica, PNEI News, Corriere della Sera, Corriere della Sera edizione di Bologna, Psicoterapie Studio
Some contributions by Pier Francesco Galli published online:
Psicoterapia e scienza (1964)
La psicoterapia in Italia (1965)
La psicoanalisi e l'istituzione psicoanalitica in Italia (1984)
Psychoanalysis as the story of a crisis (1990)
Analisi dell'istituzione psichiatrica dopo la Legge 180 (1998)
L'epidemia della normalità (1998)
La formazione continua nell'ambito della Salute Mentale (Ministry of Health, Rome) (2007)
Intervista video edited by Renato Foschi and Giovanni Pietro Lombardo (2016)
Video: Storia ed eredità della riforma psichiatrica italiana (with Adriano Ossicini, John Foot, Vinzia Fiorino, Pompeo Martelli, Giovanni Pietro Lombardo, Renata Tambelli, Renato Foschi) (2016)
Psicologia sotto torchio (2023)
Rubrica "Tracce. Mummia ridens" (2004-24)
Some videos with Pier Francesco Galli are in the YouTube channel of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane
Some editorials by Pier Francesco Galli published online: 1/1967, 1/2004, 4/2004, 2/2006, 4/2008, 2/2011, 1/2013, 1/2014, 2/2014, 3/2014, 4/2014, 1/2016, 2/2016, 4/2016, 2/2017, 3/2018, 4/2018, 1/2019, 2/2019, 4/2019, 1/2023
Meetings organized by Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane (free entrance, for subscribers only):
Otto Kernberg, "Psychotherapy
training today" (Sept. 20, 2011) (45th Anniversary of
Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane)
Allen Frances, "Psychiatry
between diagnosis and 'diagnosticism'. The critical debate on the DSM-5 process"
(Oct. 22, 2011)
Morris N. Eagle, "Contemporary
psychoanalytic theory: A critical evaluation"
(April 13, 2012)
Meeting "Identity of Evil. The construction of perfect
violence" (November 30-December 1, 2012)
Chris Christian, "Convergences between modern conflict theory and intersubjectivity in contemporary psychoanalysis"
(February 15, 2015)
Otto F. Kernberg, "Psychoanalysis
and religion: Why Freud was wrong" (March 18, 2015)
Allen Frances, "Why psychiatric care in Italy is better than in the Unites States"
(December 21, 2015)
"The future of
psychoanalysis" (on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary Issue) (December 1, 2016)
Meeting for the 50th
Anniversary of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane (1967-2016)
(December 17, 2016)
A meeting with Robert D. Hinshelwood: "Where
is psychiatric care going today?" (February 16, 2019)
Founding Editor: Pier Francesco Galli, M.D.
Editors: Marianna Bolko, M.D., Paolo Migone, M.D.
Editorial Board: Andrea Angelozzi, M.D., Davide Cavagna, Ph.D., Mauro Fornaro, Ph.D., Giorgio Meneguz, Ph.D.
Advisory board: Valeria P. Babini, Ph.D. (Department of Philosophy, University of Bologna), Alberto Burgio, Ph.D. (Department of Philosophy, University of Bologna), Morris N. Eagle, Ph.D. (Derner Institute for Advanced Psychological Studies, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York; New Center for Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles), Lawrence Friedman, M.D. (New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York), Pedro Grosz, Ph.D. (Zürich Psychoanalytic Seminar, Zürich), Emilio Modena, M.D. (Zürich Psychoanalytic Seminar, Zürich), Johannes Reichmayr, Ph.D. (Sigmund Freud University, Vienna), Berthold Rothschild, M.D. (Zürich Psychoanalytic Seminar, Zürich), Thomas von Salis, M.D. (Zürich Psychoanalytic Seminar, Zürich), Frank Sulloway, Ph.D. (Department of Psychology, University of California, Berkeley), Paul L. Wachtel, Ph.D. (Department of Psychology, City College of New York, New York), Jerome C. Wakefield, Ph.D., D.S.W. (Silver School of Social Work and Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, New York University, New York), Drew Westen, Ph.D. (Department of Psychology, Emory University, Atlanta)
Past members of the editorial board: Alessandro Ancona (Bologna), Tullio Aymone (Modena), Gaetano Benedetti (Basel), Arno von Blarer (Zürich), Enzo Codignola (Genoa), Johannes Cremerius (Friburg), John E. Gedo (Chicago), Merton M. Gill (Chicago), Emanuele Gualandri (Milan), Robert R. Holt (New York), Klaus Horn (Frankfurt), Eustachio Loperfido (Bologna), Giambattista Muraro (Milan), Berta Neumann (Milan), Paul Parin (Zürich), Tito Perlini (Trieste), Michele Ranchetti (Florence), Paul Roazen (Boston), Tullio Seppilli (Perugia), Howard Shevrin (Ann Arbor), Helmut Thomä (Ulm), Judith Valk (Zürich), Joseph Weiss (San Francisco), Peter H. Wolff (Boston)
Sections editors: Traces: Alberto Merini and Paolo Migone Clinical cases: Roberto Carnevali, Paolo Chiappero, Giorgio Meneguz, Fabrizio Rizzi, Alessandra Sala, Francesca Tondi Book reviews: Andrea Castiello d'Antonio, Davide Cavagna, Mauro Fornaro, Silvia Marchesini, Euro Pozzi Journals: Jutta Beltz, Andrea Castiello d'Antonio, Marco Conci, Mauro Fornaro, Paolo Migone, Paola Raja, Francesca Tondi
Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane is indexed in
Web of Science / Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Scopus,
Web (Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing), PsycINFO (Psychological Abstracts), Psychoanalytic Abstracts,
PsycNet, EBSCO, EBSCO Discovery Service,
Human Resources Abstracts, EMBASE (Excerpta Medica), EMCare, ERIH Plus (European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences), Sociological Abstracts,
Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA), Social Services Abstracts, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts,
ProQuest/IBSS (International Bibliography of the Social Sciences), ProQuest/Summon, The Philosopher's Index, Google Scholar, Torrossa/Casalini-EIO, CLOCKSS, Portico,
Cabells, Index Copernicus (ICV 2022 = 114.43), Analecta, Articoli italiani di periodici accademici (AIDA), Bibliografia
Filosofica Italiana (BFI), Catalogo italiano dei periodici (ACNP),
Periodici italiani di Economia, Scienze sociali e Storia (ESSPER), Internationale Bibliographie der Rezensionen geistes- und
sozialwissenschaftlicher Literatur (IBR), Internationale Bibliographie der
geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Zeitschriftenliteratur (IBR), WorldCat,
Crossref, Online Computer Library Center (OCLC), UDL-Edge, Pascal (Inist-CNRS), Francis (Inist-CNRS),
Jouroscope, etc.
Member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), of the
International Council of Editors of Psychoanalytic Journals (ICEPJ),
and of the
Journals Committee of the Italian Federation of Psychotherapy Associations
(FIAP); the journal follows the recommendations of the
International Committee of Medical Journal
Editors (ICEMJ)
(Italian National Agency for
the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes):
Areas 11 and 14,
Class A for Area 11 (sector C1)
Rankings (Impact Score, h-Index, Rank, SJR) - see also in Google Scholar, in SCImago (SJR), and in Peeref - Impact Factor 2023: 0.4 - CiteScore: 0.6
YouTube channel of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane:
Publisher: FrancoAngeli Editore, Viale Monza 106, 20127 Milan, Italy, tel. +(39) 02-2837141; ISSN 0394-2864; electronic ISSN 1972-5043; Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) 616
2025 subscriptions: Italy:
individuals € 104,00, institutions € 118,50. Other countries: individuals € 169,50, institutions € 193,50
On-line 2025 subscriptions:
individuals € 86,50, institutions € 129,00
See conditions of on-line subscriptions
for universities and
for institutions
(only with static IP
address) or for individuals
Subscriptions are payable in one of the following three ways: check (to "FrancoAngeli
srl" and mailed to the publisher); credit card (contact the Subscriptions
Department, tel. +[39] 02-28371456, fax +[39] 02-26141958, or e-mail to <> with type and number of credit card, month and year of
expiration, and address); bank deposit (to "FrancoAngeli srl", IBAN [Router]: IT 94 J 03069 09530 100000001933; BIC [SWIFT]:
BCITITMM [Bank "Intesa San Paolo", Branch 1899 of Milan, CIN J, ABI 03069, CAB
09530, account no. 100000001933]); subscribers should always specify clearly their name, address,
fiscal code
and title of the journal (Subscribers receive a renewal form with the last issue of each
All new subscribers receive 3 past issues
free of charge (in order to receive them, contact Paolo
Migone, tel. +(39) 0521-960595,
e-mail <>).
Issue no. 3/2016 (290 pages) is a special issue for the
Anniversary (see the Press Review); issue no. 3/2006 (450 pages) is a special issue for the 40th
Anniversary (see the Press Review); issue no.
3/1986 (378 pages) is a special issue for the
20th Anniversary (special issues nos. 3/1986 and 3/2006 cost € 40.00, while
special issue no. 3/2016 has to be bought from the publisher; see the
instructions to buy back issues). The journal periodically organizes meetings (such as the
meeting with Otto Kernberg "Psychotherapy
training today", etc.) that are free of charge and open only to subscribers (in
order to be notified of these meetings it is necessary to send an e-mail to <>)
Fringe benefits for subscribers: We have reached an agreement with the International Journal of Psychoanalysis (IJP) according to which our subscribers can have a considerable discount on the 2023 subscription to the International Journal of Psychoanalysis: € 205,00 instead of € 275,00, with a discount of € 7500 (this subscription to the IJP includes the digital subscription to all issues since 2001, namely to the last twenty years, including the last four years that PEP Web does not allow to see even to its subscribers); online-only subscription costs € 175,00 instead of $ 240,00, with a saving of € 69,00. Furthermore, all new subscribers to Psicoterapia e Science Umane receive three past issues free of charge. In order to receive these fringe benefits it is necessary to contact the editor: tel. +(39) 0521-960595, e-mail <>
Sections: "Traces", "Clinical cases", "Book reviews", "Journals", "Classics"
Book series: Feltrinelli, Bollati Boringhieri, Einaudi
David Rapaport's Seminars on Metapsychology of 1957
Press review and Presentation of the Special Issue (no. 3/2006) for the 40th Anniversary
Press review and Meeting for the Special Issue (no. 3/2006) for the 50th Anniversary
1967 - 1968 - 1969 - 1970 - 1971 - 1972 - 1973 - 1974 - 1975 - 1976 - 1977 - 1978 - 1979 - 1980 - 1981 - 1982 - 1983 - 1984 - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 - 2020 - 2021 - 2022 - 2023 - 2024 - 2025
Articles published also on the Internet
Documents and links
Gruppo Milanese per lo Sviluppo della Psicoterapia, editor, Problemi di psicoterapia. Atti del I Corso di aggiornamento (Milan, December 11-14, 1962) (contributions by Gaetano Benedetti, Silvano Arieti, Pier Francesco Galli, Franco Fornari, Ugo Marzuoli, Berta Neumann & Virginio Porta, Mara Palazzoli Selvini, Leonardo Ancona, Tommaso Senise, Silvia Montefoschi, Enzo Spaltro, Fabrizio Napolitani). Milan: Centro Studi di Psicoterapia Clinica, 1962
Gruppo Milanese per lo Sviluppo della Psicoterapia, editor, La psicoterapia delle psicosi schizofreniche. Atti del II Corso di aggiornamento su problemi di psicoterapia (Milan, May 23-26, 1963) (contributions by Gaetano Benedetti, Christian Müller, Silvia Montefoschi, Pier Francesco Galli, Carlo Lorenzo Cazzullo & Dario De Martis, Franco Fornari, Enzo Codignola, Berta Neumann, Enzo Spaltro, Mara Palazzoli Selvini, Giovanni Jervis, Pier Maria Brunetti). Milan: Centro Studi di Psicoterapia Clinica, 1963
Meeting of October 30, 1965, on "Psychotherapy in Italy" (interventions by: Pier Francesco Galli, Mario Moreno, Franco Basaglia, Antonio Jaria, Franco Giberti, Giuseppe Maffei, Dario De Martis, Piero Leonardi, Edoardo Balduzzi, Giorgio Zanocco, Antonino Lo Cascio, Cesare Musatti, Cornelio Fazio)
Gruppo Milanese per lo Sviluppo della Psicoterapia, editor, La psicoterapia in Italia. La formazione degli psichiatri. Atti delle giornate di studio del 30-10-1965 e del 11-12-1966 (contributions by Centro Studi di Psicoterapia, Gaetano Benedetti, Christian Müller, Johannes Cremerius, Michael Balint, Gruppo Milanese per lo Sviluppo della Psicoterapia, Pier Francesco Galli). Milan: Centro Studi di Psicoterapia Clinica, 1967
Pier Francesco Galli, editor, Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane. Atti dell'VIII Congresso Internazionale di Psicoterapia (Milan, August 25-29, 1970). Milan: Feltrinelli, 1973
Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic institution in Italy (C. Viganò interviews P.F. Galli, 1984)
Pier Francesco Galli, "Psychoanalysis as the story of a crisis" (paper read at the Annual Meeting of the Rapaport-Klein Study Group, Austen Riggs Center, Stockbridge, Massachusetts, June 10, 1990)
Pier Francesco Galli, "Analysis of psychiatric institutions after the Italian Law no. 180/1978 on psychiatric reform" (A. Grazia interviews P.F. Galli, May 13, 1998)
Pier Francesco Galli. I settant'anni di un maestro (A movie by Francesco Merini, produced by Mammut Film, on the occasion of Pier Francesco Galli's 70th birthday, 2001); see chapter 4 and chapter 5
Pier Francesco Galli, "Training in the helping professions: Historical and institutional aspects in Italy" (Streaming video of a talk at the Istituto MEME of Modena, Italy, October 11, 2008)
Video interview to Pier Francesco Galli conducted by Renato Foschi and Giovanni Pietro Lombardo (Sapienza University of Rome, April 11, 2016)
Adriano Ossicini, Pier Francesco Galli, John Foot, Vinzia Fiorino, Pompeo Martelli, Giovanni Pietro Lombardo, Renata Tambelli, and Renato Foschi, "History and heritage of the Italian psychiatric reform. On the book by John Foot The Man Who Closed the Asylums: Franco Basaglia and the Revolution in Mental Health Care (Milan: Feltrinelli, 2014; London: Verso Books, 2015)" (video of the Round Table held at the Sapienza University of Rome on April 11, 1016)
Pier Francesco Galli, Psicologia sotto torchio. PreText, 2023, 21/22: 80-97.
Archives of the History of Psychology (ASPI) (Sapienza University of Rome), and Archives of the History of Italian Psychology (University of Milano-Bicocca) (see the On-line Exposition on the History of Italian Psychology)
David Rapaport's Seminars on Metapsychology of 1957
Problems of psychotherapy, and Columns of Il Ruolo Terapeutico since 1987, and other articles (edited by Paolo Migone)
Presentations of the journal in FrancoAngeli, in Psychomedia, in, and in the "Archives of the History of Italian Psychology" (ASPI); presentation of Materials on the history of the group of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane in Psychomedia
Versione italiana Go to: Contacts Subscriptions Instructions for Authors Instructions for Peer Reviewers Code of Ethics Sections: Traces, Clinical cases, Book reviews, Journals, Classics Presentation and History of Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane "International Seminars" Training Programs Press Review YouTube Channel Contents of all volumes PEP Web Articles on the Internet Crowdfunding Documents and links Book series: Feltrinelli, Bollati Boringhieri, Einaudi
Web Editor: Paolo Migone, M.D.